Passover 2011 Seder

Join fellow Kauai Jews at The Jewish Community of Kauai’s annual community Passover Seder.This year, the event will take place on Monday April 18, 2011 at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue.  Map. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and Seder begins at 6:15pm.  Traditional menu will accompany prayers.There are only 100 seats available. Please include payment with your registration form (click to print). Reservations will be closed when all seats are sold, and April 11, 2011 is the final day to choose entrée. Late reservations will be accommodated if possible. Please call 808-639-0283 or email Dale for further information.Our Passover feast will be prepared by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden and includes the following:Seder Plate; MatzohGefilte Fish; Chicken Soup with Matzoh BallsEntrée Choice of:

  • Chicken tagine with apricots Moroccan spiced
  • Salmon with dill caper sauce
  • Vegetarian stuffed eggplant with tahini sauce
  • Teriyaki Roasted chicken thighs for children

Green salad with toasted hazelnuts, lemon poppyseed dressingPotato asparagus kugelMocha chocolate almond mousse cake with caramel sauceBeverages*: Filtered Water, Lilikoi Juice, Coffee, TeaPlease feel free to bring your choice of wine or other drink.Cost:

JCK Members Non-Members
Adults $65 $80
Children (up to 12 yrs.) with meal $30 $50
Seat with no meal FREE FREE


Reminder To Join Us This Friday At 6pm

This will be a special Shabbat on Kauai, one not to miss.  Services will take place at 6pm Friday, February 11, at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.It will feature JCK Sunday school children, who will enliven the night with prayers and songs.  Following the services, we'll share a potluck dinner.For the potluck, please remember to bring one of the following items based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-F: pupus
  • G-M: main dish
  • N-T: desserts
  • U-Z: drinks

Thanks to Icing on the Cake for providing fresh-baked challah.   If you have any questions, please call or e-mail me, Lisa Splittstoesser (634-7006 or

Shabbat This Friday Evening

We invite all the Jewish Community of Kauai to come help welcome the Shabbat on the evening of Friday, February 11th. It will take place starting at 6pm at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.The children from our JCK Sunday school will be participating in the evening service by singing prayers and songs.  We will follow our evening service with a potluck dinner and time to spend with some of the youngest members of our community.For the potluck, please bring one of the following items based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-F: pupus
  • G-M: main dish
  • N-T: desserts
  • U-Z: drinks

Icing on the Cake will provide fresh-baked challah.   Any questions, please call or e-mail me, Lisa Splittstoesser (634-7006 or

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day this Monday, Jan. 17, at 12:30 PM.Come to the celebration for Martin Luther King on Monday, beginning at 11 AM. This will be presented at the food court of Kukui Grove Center.You are invited to join Dale Rosenfeld singing Sim Shalom as a song of peace. Dale will offer prayers as well with the prevailing theme of peace. She will make her presentation at 12:30 PM.All are welcome, there is no charge, and there will be presentations from all aspects of Kauai Life honoring Dr.King.Comments.

Practical Kabbalah, Positive Psychology Meditation Workshop

This Sunday, January 9 at 7:00pm, Dr. Laibl Wolf of Australia will present "Think right, Feel Right, Do Right - the Kabbalah of Emotional Intelligence.Dr. Wolf is an internationally acclaimed spiritual mentor and teacher. He holds degrees in educational psychology, law and a doctorate in comparative Jewish and Buddhist spiritual teachings. He is the dean and founder of Australia's only Jewish spiritual retreat center, best selling author of "Practical Kabbalah" and creator of personal growth programs Mind-Yoga and LifePlan7.The Chabad-sponsored event will take place at Kauai Beach Resort (formerly Hilton), and the cost is $10.On Sunday, January 17 at 11:00am, Dr. Wolf will present "Healing for an Angry World -- Meditation Workshop providing practical skills for transforming negative emotions." This event will take place at a private residence and the cost is $35.For more information or to register, email

Please Help With Our KEO Christmas Dinner

On Saturday, December 25, the Jewish Community of Kauai is once again preparing a Christmas dinner for the homeless shelter and transitional housing families at Kauai Economic Opportunity (KEO).We still need donations for toys for the children as well as people to cook (1 more Turkey , mashed potatoes, salad, desserts).  We also still need volunteers for drinks and rolls as well as people to help set up and serve.If you can help, please let me know what you can bring.Also, please note that there has been a time change. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm, so we are asking cooks to drop off food between 5:30pm - 6:00pm.All food is prepared at your home and dropped off at at KEO in Lihue. Before you start cooking contact me by phone at 634-7006 or email

4th Annual KEO Christmas Dinner

Note: The time of the dinner has been changed to 6:30pm. It's that time of year again. On Saturday, December 25, the JCK community will be preparing a Christmas dinner for the homeless shelter and transitional housing families at Kauai Economic Opportunity (KEO).Volunteers are needed to help cook turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and green beans.  The food may be cooked at home and delivered around 4:30pm to KEO for the dinner.We will also be collecting gifts for the children there -- you may bring an unwrapped gift to this Sunday's Chanukah party if you wish to donate to this great cause.You may contact me via e-mail at or cell phone at 634-7006.Comments.

Chanukah Party

The Jewish Community of Kauai is sponsoring its annual Chanukah latke party.  We hope you can join us. JCK will provide the latkes and drinks. Desserts and pupus are potluck.There will be a group candle lighting, so please bring a menorah and candles if possible.  We will also have dreidle games, singing and cookie decorating for the children.Location: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.Date/time: Sunday, December 5th beginning at 5:00pm.What to bring: Please bring either a pupu or a dessert for the potluck.Cost: $10 for a single person and $20 for a family (JCK members in good standing are free).Comments.Subscribe to our email updates

Direction of JCK

An open letter to members of the JCKI called a meeting of the concerned members of the JCK because I felt like our “base” leadership was aging and we needed some input, ideas, vitality to keep our community viable- in service to our Kauai community and visiting Jews.In attendance were the 6 board members- Marty Kahn (P), Dale Rosenfeld (VP & T), Carol Pescaia (S), Larry Raithaus, Jeff Tucker (Webmaster), and Rob Goldberg as well asMonroe Richman, Richard and Barbara Levine. Regrets received from off-island members.Meeting Recap Here is a recap of the discussion and the resolution of the issues at hand:

  1. Observation- average age of our Shabbat attendees is north of 60
  2. Average age of the people attending the discussion- north of 70
  3. Monroe suggested we start chaverim (discussion groups) in individual homes. Then we could come together and share the ideas as part of the Shabbat service. Monroe and the Levines said they would host. No one at the meeting volunteered to organize and be responsible for an ongoing program. This idea is a good one and we need a volunteer to lead it.
  4. Rob said the Sunday School (teachers Sally Wilson, Lisa Splittstoesser, and Edie Katon) is growing with 9-12 students. The children are the nucleus of the community. We should integrate the kids into community affairs:  for example, teaching tzedakah by feeding the homeless.  Perhaps invest in buying books and materials.  Dale (or Monroe) suggested a children’s service on a Friday night. Marty will schedule 3 Friday night services for next year. Marty will not be able to lead. Dale would take charge.
  5. Jeff (our webhero) said technology enhances as well as creates our community. Suggested we have more video, music, interactive features. It was agreed. We need input from the community for this to work better.
  6. Carol suggested having Israeli folk dancing. Logistics were not discussed.

In Conclusion We are an aging community and unless younger members step forward to re-energize the group, there will not be a JCK available for your children and grandchildren.So I respectfully reiterate my plea to have younger concerned members step forward and assume the role that some of us have been shouldering for more than 20 years.B’shalom.Comments.Subscribe to our email updates

Shabbat Service Tomorrow Morning

We look forward to your joining us at tomorrow's services, which will be led by Board Members Dale Rosenfeld and Carol Pescaia.Services begin at 10:00AM, at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.Please remember to bring canned goods for donation to Loaves and Fishes, the largest food pantry on the island of Kaua’i.Comments.Subscribe to our email updates.Photo courtesy of Wikipedia