Mahalo to everyone who made a financial contribution to our community during the High Holidays. Without you, literally, we simply could not afford to bring a Rabbi from the mainland to lead us for the High Holidays nor provide a sumptuous Kiddush after Rosh Hashanah, Shabbat Shuvah, and Yom Kippur. There would be no Sunday school for the children, no Passover Seder, no Chanukah party, no monthly Shabbat services, or guest speakers. In shorty Judaism on Kauai, as we know it, would not exist. (As a reminder, if you gave money through Foodland, please email or call Dale with your name and amount contributed).If you have yet to offer your contribution, we humbly ask for $150/single, $250/family or more if you can afford to be generous. For those who can only afford less, your share is also greatly needed.New PayPal monthly payment option is only $12 to $20 per month.If making monthly payments is easier for you than one lump sum, we have set up an easy PayPal form on the website for your convenience. The payments are small and there is no extra charge for this service.With heartfelt thanks,Marty KahnPresident
Simchat Torah
Simchat Torah is the time to say Hallelujah! Please join in this celebration of our heritage.
We will be observing Simchat Torah at St. Michael's this year and invite you to share in a great time!Guests from the Mainland are on Kauai and have generously offered to lead us in this joyous holiday during which we complete reading the Torah and immediately begin reading it again. This continuity shows us that our Torah and its wisdom are ever present with us.Bruce Morris is a cantorial student, and his wife, Cassandra Sagan, is a maggid (Jewish storyteller). They promise good music, dancing and celebration.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.When: Thursday, October 20,from 6:30 to 8.For more information: Please call Carol Pescaia at 808-651-8623.
Please Join Us at Yom Kippur
The Jewish Community of Kauai will observe Yom Kippur with services on October 7 and 8, 2011. We welcome all to worship with us. Following is the schedule. All services are at St. Michael's Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted. Map
. We look forward to seeing you.All visitors are welcomed at our services and onegsWe ask for a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it. Paid members of our congregation are welcome at no additional charge.Dues and contributionsThese enable us to continue our commitment to perpetuating Jewish traditions on Kauai. Membership dues help cover the cost of running the organization, including hiring a Rabbi for High Holidays and food at Oneg Shabbats. Please contact a board member if you can not afford the dues. We welcome all to participate with us and help in any capacity.Yom Kippur Schedule
- Friday ,October 7, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre
- Saturday, October 8
- 10:00 AM - 12 Noon Morning Services
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Adult Discussion
- 5:00PM-7:00PM Yiskor and conclusion
- 7:00 PM Break the Fast
Shabbat Shuvah and Sunday School on the Beach
Shanah Tovah! Warmest aloha and wishes that you and yours and all the People of Israel be inscribed and sealed for a New Year of peace, joy, health, prosperity, and good tidings.Shabbat Shuvah This SaturdayWe will be having Shabbat Shuvah Services on Saturday, October 1 at 10am at St. Michael's in Lihue (map)
. This will be followed by a pot luck lunch, discussion with the Rabbi, then Tashlich at the pier.Please bring a pupu or main dish or dessert based on your last name. Dairy, vegetarian or fish items, no meat or shellfish please.
- A-G Pupu
- H-N Main Dish
- O-Z Dessert
Sunday School On The BeachAnd now for something completely different. A uniquely Kauai Event! Sunday School on the Beach! Students and parents will meet on Sunday, October 2nd at 10am at Lydgate beach park. Rabbi Schifra Weiss-Penzias will have a lesson/activity about Rosh Hashanah. Families are welcome to stay afterwards for an afternoon at the beach. For more information please contact Lisa Splittstoesser via email at or by phone at (808) 634-7006. For more information on the High Holidays please see our events listing. We welcome visitors and residents alike.
Visitors Welcome
High Holidays 2011We welcome all visitors and residents of Kauai to worship with us at this time of the High Holidays. Rabbi L. Shifra Weiss-Penzias will be our High Holiday leader.The schedule of events is also posted on our community calendar. Services will take place at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
. Tasclich will follow lunch on Shabbat Shuvah.Members: There is no additional cost for paid members to attend.Non-members: We request a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it.
High Holiday Schedule
Following is the schedule for High Holidays observances. All services are at St. Michael's Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted. Map
. We look forward to seeing you.Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias will lead us again this year in prayer and song. Please let us know if you would like to participate in a leadership role. Readers in English and Hebrew, opening and closing the ark, carrying the torah, greeting visitors, and many other roles are available for honoring our traditions. Contact any board member to volunteer.Rosh Hashanah
- Wednesday, September 28, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Evening Services)
- Thursday, September 29, 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Morning Services)
- Kiddush to follow Services: Apples and Honey, Bagels and Conversation
Shabbat Shuvah
- Saturday October 1 10:00AM - 12:00 PM (Morning Services)
- Discussion with the Rabbi to follow with pot luck lunch and Tashlich after lunch.
Yom Kippur
- Friday ,October 7, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre
- Saturday, October 8
- 10:00 AM - 12 Noon Morning Services
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Adult Discussion
- 5:00PM-7:00PM Yiskor and conclusion
- 7:00 PM Break the Fast
Dues and Contributions
We greatly appreciate your continued membership in the Jewish Community of Kauai. Please donate now.Have you made your commitment to our community? We need YOU in order to be able to continue perpetuating Jewish traditions on Kauai. Your annual contributions are due!We recommend any of the following:
- $150/individual or $250/family (or more) sent before the New Year (September 28).
- Bring your dues to High Holiday services.
- Use the PayPal button below.
- Donate with matching funds through Foodland's Give Aloha program.
We can't do it without you.
Matching Funds To Kauai's Jewish Community
Foodland and Western Union have teamed up to generously give back to Kauai Jews. From September 1-30 your donations to our Jewish Community of Kauai will be matched in part by Foodland and Western Union.Please go to any register and donate up to $249 using our code 78502 (The code will be available at the register if you forget it). Let us know when you donate as they will not give us a list of donors.Mahalo for supporting the JCK.
Foodland Give Aloha
Our organization is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program. This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community. How It WorksFrom Sept. 1-30, customers are invited to make donations of up to a cumulative total of $249 per person, per organization to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at checkout. Donations made without a Maika‘i Card will not be matched. Individuals must use their own Maika‘i Card to make a donation. Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation.* Matching GiftThe Western Union Foundation has generously donated $50,000 to add to Foodland’s gift of $250,000 to Hawaii non-profit organizations participating in Give Aloha this year. Therefore, the total gift that will be given to all participating organizations combined is $300,000! How To DonateAt checkout, present your Maika`i Card and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to our organization. If you do not have a Maika‘i Card, you may request one. Our five digit registration code is 78502. Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total. You may give up to $249 per organization (donations exceeding $249 will not be matched). The amount you have donated to us and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt. Any donation must be made payable to Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms. Donor names will not be released to our organization, so if you would like us to know of your gift, please contact us directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift. Are These Contributions Tax Deductible?These contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation. *How Matching Gifts Will Be CalculatedMatching Gifts will be calculated after the end of the program. Organizations will receive 100% of all customer donations given to their organization, plus their % of Foodland's $300,000 matching gift. The portion of the matching gift that each organization will receive will be based on the total dollar amount of customer donations designated to that organization as a % of all customer donations received for all organizations.
High Holidays 2011
High Holidays 2011We welcome again Rabbi L. Shifra Weiss-Penzias as our High Holiday leader. The schedule of events is posted on our community calendar. Here’s a summary of services, all of which take place at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
. Please note that Tasclich has been moved to follow lunch on Shabbat Shuvah rather than on Rosh Hashanah. The is no additional cost for paid members to attend. Non-members, we ask for a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it.Have you made your commitment to our community? We need YOU in order to be able to continue our commitment to perpetuating Jewish traditions on Kaua`i. Your annual membership contributions are due! We recommend $150/individual or $250/Family (or more) before the New Year (September 28), or bring dues to High Holiday services. We can't do it without you.
All services are at St. Michael's Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted.
Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias will lead us again this year in prayer and song. Please let us know if you would like to participate in a leadership role. Readers in English and Hebrew, opening and closing the ark, carrying the torah, greeting visitors, and many other roles are available for honoring our traditions. Contact any board member to volunteer.Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, September 28, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Evening Services)
Thursday, September 29, 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Morning Services)
Kiddush to follow Services: Apples and Honey, Bagels and Conversation
Shabbat Shuvah
Saturday October 1 10:00AM - 12:00 PM (Morning Services)
Discussion with the Rabbi to follow with pot luck lunch and Tashlich after lunch.
Yom Kippur
Friday ,October 7 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre
Saturday, October 8, 10:00 AM - 12 Noon(Morning Services)
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Adult Discussion
5:00PM-7:00PM Yiskor and conclusion
7:00 PM Break the Fast
Rabbi L. Shifra Weiss-PenziasThe Jewish Community of Kauai is fortunate this year to have as our guest High Holiday leader, Rabbi L. Shifra Weiss-Penzias.Rabbi Weiss-Penzias is currently serving as Rabbi-Educator at Temple Beth El Jewish Community Center in Aptos, California. She runs the educational programming for this 450 member congregation serving as principal for the Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon school program with 165 students. In addition, Rabbi Weiss-Penzias assists Rabbi Richard Litvak and Rabbi Paula Marcus in all rabbinic functions including leading services, delivering sermons, life cycle rituals, leading adult education and special programs such as Mitzvah Day and Rock Shabbat.Previously, Rabbi Weiss-Penzias served in positions at Hillel (Santa Cruz), Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Seattle), Congregation Kol Shalom (Bainbridge Island) and Temple Tiffereth Israel (Malden, Mass.). She studied at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, NY where she received her Masters of Arts in Hebrew Literature in 1994 and was ordained as a rabbi in 1996.Annual Membership DriveIt’s time to renew your annual membership. Your dues enable us to continue our commitment to perpetuating Jewish traditions on Kaua’i. Membership dues help cover the cost of running the organization, including hiring a Rabbi for High Holidays and food at Oneg Shabbats. Please contact a board member if you can not afford the dues. We welcome all to participate with us and help in any capacity. Visitors WelcomeWe welcome off-island visitors to join us at our High Holiday services and onegs. We ask for a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it.
Paradise Bike Ride Volunteers Needed
The Jewish Community of Kauai is dedicated, in part, to be active participants in the social web of our island home. We have been asked if any of our members would be willing to volunteer to help with the Malama Pono Paradise Bike Ride. Malama Pono Health Services began as a grass-roots response to HIV on the 'Garden Isle'. Today, the mission of M?lama Pono is to educate and support those dealing with HIV/AIDS, STDs, and infectious Hepatitis. Paradise Ride Kauai is an important source of funding and helps provide services and programs not otherwise supported by Kauai United Way and State or Federal programs. Volunteers, including kids with their parents, are needed on August 6 and 7, 2011.If you can help, please contact Elyse Litvackejlitvak212@gmail.com808-632-0034
Friday August 12, 2011 Shabbat
Please mark your calendars to join us for a fun Friday evening service on August 12th at St. Michael's Parish Hall beginning at 6pm. This will be led by Marty Kahn and our children from the Sunday school. Following our service, we will have a potluck meal. Please bring an item listed below based on the first letter of your last name with enough to serve your family plus at least 4 more:A-E: DrinksF-M: PupusN-S: Main dishT-Z: DessertIf you have any questions, please contact Lisa Splittstoesser at