2022 JCK Membership Letter

We are excited to share news of our congregation as we enter 5782/2022. JCK is blessed to be the “Synagogue in Residence” at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lihue, and are happy to have been able to return to in-person services.

As our fiscal year runs from January through December, membership contributions are now being collected. They remain at a suggested amount of $180.00 for an individual or $360.00 for a family. More generous contributions are always welcomed.

Please send your check made payable to the Jewish Community of Kauai at PO Box 3749, Lihue, HI 96766. You may also donate online at kauaijewishcommunity.com.

Why JCK needs your membership!

1. Organizations with which JCK is affiliated.

  • Union of Reform Judaism (URJ). JCK became a member in 2018. They are the national organization supportive of both large and small communities, from which JCK, in particular, receives invaluable help.

  • Weinberg Foundation. Through the generous support of the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, JCK will be able to expand our programming and connections to other Jewish communities in the state, one aspect of which is Nitzavim. This two-year program is designed to strengthen relationships, build organizational and collective capacity, and explore collaboration in service to the entire Hawaii Jewish community.

  • Jewish Community Services (JCS). The mission of JCK is to support and enhance Jewish life in Hawaii through communication, coordination, and provision of appropriate social services to those in need throughout the state of Hawaii, including on Kauai.

2. Leadership.

  • Rabbi Rob Kvidt. Kauai is lucky to have Rabbi Rob Kvidt as part of JCK. His inspiring and heartfelt delivery of the High Holidays and Shabbat services reflect his love of Judaism and of Kauai. We look forward to his leadership in services and other events throughout this year.

  • Rabbi Aryeh Azriel. Rabbi Aryeh Azriel has been a motivating and loving High Holiday leader for JCK since 2017. It is with great anticipation we will welcome him back again this year. Both Rabbi Rob and Rabbi Aryeh share a mutual love, respect, and admiration. JCK is profoundly grateful to have them both!

  • Reouven Barzilai. The community has welcomed an exciting new caterer in addition to our long-standing relationship with wonderful caterer Sandy Jennings of Fresh From The Garden. Reouven, his wife Laura, and daughter Julia are members of the community. Reouven hails from Israel and brings unique flair and flavors to his catering company (Mi Va Mi).

  • JCK Board Members. We greatly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication of our board members: Carol Pescaia (president), Elyse Litvack (secretary), Judy Rachap (treasurer), Laura Barzilai, Rob Goldberg, Marty Kahn (president emeritus), Nate Morrow, Larry Raithaus, Esther Richman, and Sara Silverman (president emeritus).

  • Inspiration, website and marketing by Jeff Tucker.

3. 2021 in review.

A brief synopsis of the past year starts with a Friday night service in Lydgate Park in the summer. We’ve held several in-person Shabbat services, as well as both Zoom and in-person services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We’ve been able to offer Onegs by providing catered box lunches. We gathered for Hanukkah with an indoor/outdoor celebration that filled the night with light, joy, and hope for a better year ahead.

4. Tentative 2022 calendar of services.

All services take place at St. Michael’s from 10 am to 1 pm, unless otherwise noted.

  • Saturday, January 22. Shabbat. Led by Sara Silverman.

  • Saturday, February 18. Shabbat. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt.

  • Saturday. March 19 Shabbat. Led by Marty Kahn.

  • Friday, April 15, or Saturday, April 16 (to be determined). Passover Seder. From 5 pm to 9 pm. Led by Sara Silverman.

  • Saturday, May 21. Shabbat. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt.

  • Saturday, June 18. Shabbat. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt.

  • Friday, July 15. Shabbat. From 5 pm to 8 pm. Beach location and leader to be announced.

  • Sunday, September 25. Erev Rosh Hashanah. 7 pm. Led Rabbi Rob Kvidt and Rabbi Aryeh Azriel.

  • Monday, September 26, Rosh Hashanah. 10 am to 2 pm. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt and Rabbi Aryeh Azriel.

  • Saturday, October 1. Shabbat Shuvah. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt and Rabbi Aryeh Azriel.

  • Tuesday, October 4. Erev Yom Kippur. 7 pm. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt and Rabbi Aryeh Azriel.

  • Wednesday, October 5. Yom Kippur. 10 am until 8 pm. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt and Rabbi Aryeh Azriel.

  • Sunday, October 9. Sukkot (to be determined). Led by Laura Barzilai.

  • Monday, October 17. Simcha Torah (to be determined). Led by Laura Barzilai.

  • Saturday, November 19. Shabbat. Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt.

  • Sunday, December 18. Chanukah 5 pm. Led by Marty Kahn.

Please join us. We need your help to continue as a vibrant Jewish community. Shalom and aloha from the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community of Kauai.

Sincerely Yours,

Carol Pescaia, Board President