Annual Contributions Due


Shalom members and friends. The High Holy Days remind us that it’s time for our membership donations. Your contributions at work. Your annual contribution allow us to do many things that would otherwise not be possible:

  • Retain our guest High Holy Days Rabbi.

  • Make a generous annual donation to St. Michael and All Angels Church and thank them for allowing us the use of their chapel, parish hall and other facilities.

    Typically subsidize the community Seder (100 people per year) since the amount we charge does not cover the actual cost.

  • Provide onegs throughout the year.

  • In normal years, offer a wonderful break-the-fast meal at the end of Yom Kippur, an Oneg on Rosh Hashanah and one for Shabbat Shuvah.

  • Often host the annual Chanukah celebration.

Suggested annual amount.The annual contribution is $360 for a family, and $180 for an individual. This is payable annually via check or monthly via PayPal. As always, if you would like to be a member and support the community, we will gladly accept whatever you feel comfortable giving. If you can afford to give more, your generosity will be greatly appreciated and used wisely. For an additional contribution, contact us, and we will affix a book plate in honor of whomever you designate in any one of our prayer books (donation of $64 per book). Each and every one of us matters in Klal Yisrael – the shared sense of community and destiny among all Jews. Your contribution to JCK is the reason we exist here on Kaua`i. Without your participation and financial support, there would be no Jewish Community of Kaua`i. Without "you," there is no "us.” If you have questions or comments, please let us know