Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur | High Holy Days 2021/5782

Join the Jewish Community of Kauai for remaining High Holy Day observances. These will take place on Wednesday September 15, at 7 pm at St. Michael's and on Thursday, September 16, starting at 10 am (see details below). Thursday’s services will be followed by a catered boxed break-the-fast dinner.

L’Shanah Tovah. We look forward to continuing to worship together this year. It will be different, of course, as necessitated by COVID-19, and services will be offered both in-person and online. We are grateful to Rabbi Aryeh Azriel and our own Kauai Rabbi Rob Kvidt, who are on the Bimah this year.

JCK has distributed a press release with many details about our community and the two wonderful Rabbis. We know you’ll enjoy reading and learning more.

Be sure to read the entire post in order to make reservations and for other important details.

Here is an update for the remaining High Holy Days.

  • Services will be held in-person at St. Michael’s with both indoor and outdoor limited seating by reservation only.

  • Services will also be broadcast on Zoom for those not attending. See below for Zoom details, the unique meeting link required to attend each service, and how to obtain and use the free online Machzor.

  • Masks will be required at all events and at all times except when actively eating or drinking. The rabbis are strongly encouraging all in attendance to be fully vaccinated. There is a Jewish precept that we all look out for one another. Being vaccinated is one way to do so. Non-vaccinated attendees are asked to reserve outdoor seating.

  • For required reservations, please contact us at jewishcommunityofkauai18@gmail.com.

  • Be sure to email your Yizkor name requests to jewishcommunityofkauai18@gmail.com or complete the list in person.

  • Join or renew your membership.

We are using our Reform Machzor, Mishkan Hanafesh. It is fully transliterated, has many options for Torah readings, provides background and contextual information, poetry and alternative readings, commentary, multiple theological possibilities, a beautiful interpretation of Hebrew, and engaging artwork and essays.

Visitors and non-members are asked to make a donation - per service attended in-person or on Zoom - for all High Holiday services. The suggested donation is $50 per service or $180 for all services in-person, and at your discretion on Zoom. Please be generous. Click here to donate. 

Donation envelopes will also be available at services. Many Thanks.

Being fit spiritually for the High Holy Days. Rabbi Rob has written an article on Elul: Preparing for the High Holy Days.

SCHEDULE FOR HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES (Hawaii time: GMT-10. It is 3 hours earlier than west coast time and 6 hours earlier than east coast time).

  • Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre on Wednesday, September 15 at 7 pm. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89441602123.

  • Yom Kippur Day is on Thursday, September 16 at 10 am. Adult group discussion with Rabbi Aryeh and Rabbi Rob reconvenes at 3:00 followed by the Afternoon Service, Yizkor, Neilah, and Havdalah starting at 3:45. This concludes at 7:00 with a delicious break-the-fast boxed dinner. Zoom link (valid for the entire day): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81356489706.

Joining us in person.

Services are held at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue, and on Zoom. Map.

🍏 Catering for the High Holidays will be provided by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden. 🥯

In our tradition of tzedakah (charity), and in the spirit of aloha, please bring donations of non-perishable food and/or money for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. This Kauai Food Pantry distributes to about one hundred people each week, is staffed by volunteers, and is supported by donations, including ours.

Joining us on Zoom.

Services will be broadcast on zoom and you are welcome to take part. The unique Zoom link required for each service is found in the schedule of events above. This will be like watching a television broadcast, it is not an interactive meeting format.

Our Machzor is available for those attending on Zoom. It is accessed here. Scroll down after accessing that link until you see the image of the prayer book for Yom Kippur. Note that for Shabbat Shuvah, there will be no prayer book available online.

If you have questions, please contact Carol Pescaia at: carolwpescaia@gmail.com or 808-651-8623.

You will receive a confirmation of your reservation status.