How To Join Us For Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur 5781

Important update for the the remaining services of the High Holy Days, beginning this Sunday at 7pm.

  • See how to access the JCK Zoom services and the prayer book Mishkan Hanafesh online.

  • LAST CHANCE to email your Yizkor name requests.

  • Join or renew your membership below.

Rabbi Aryeh Azriel will lead the Jewish Community of Kauai again this year. He will be joining us from Omaha for our own adult discussion, sermon and Neilah service service on Zoom.

Yizkor service will be conducted by Kauai Rabbi Rob Kvidt, also on Zoom. Update your names no later than Saturday, September 26, as names from prior years will not be read.

JCK has also partnered with sister Reform community Temple Emanu-El Honolulu to offer their virtual Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur morning services to our members and guests. We are extremely grateful to Temple Emanu-El. The Jewish Community of Kauai will be live on Zoom starting at 1 pm on Yom Kippur.

Please see below for details about services and about how to renew your membership or join JCK at this time.

Yom Kippur services will consist of three unique and distinct elements.

1. Services streamed from Temple Emanu-El for Kol Nidre and Yim Kippur morning services. See how to access those below.

2. Yom Kippur services streamed from Jewish Community of Kauai. Adult education, sermon, Yizkor and Neilah will be provided by Rabbi Aryeh Azriel and Rabbi Rob Kvidt.

How To Access Services

1. Services Streamed from Temple Emanu-El.

Please join us and sister Reform community Temple Emanu-El for their live-streamed services:

Services will be streamed on Facebook Live ( and at, at their scheduled times.

Yom Kippur Evening Service Sunday, September 27 7:00 PM. Be moved once again by the haunting melody of Kol Nidre as we usher in the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

Yom Kippur Morning Service: Monday, September 28 10:00 AM. On this day for atonement and aspiration, we will offer our prayers while the heavenly gates are still open.

2. Yom Kippur Afternoon Service streamed directly from Jewish Community of Kauai. Monday, September 28, 1:00 PM. Adult education, sermon, and Neilah will be provided by Rabbi Aryeh Azriel. Yizkor services will be conducted by Rabbi Rob Kvidt. We will conclude services with the traditional Blasting of the Shofar.

To access the JCK Zoom services, please go to this link:

Or, enter Zoom Meeting ID: 886 8915 5392 Passcode: Shofar.

When you arrive at the meeting, you will be admitted individually to the meeting. 

Important Note: This is your final chance to send names you'd like to have included in the Yizkor service to Elyse Litvack at These must be received by Saturday, September 26. Only names emailed this year will be read at the service.

Donations and Membership.

Now is the time to renew your membership. Although we are not currently holding in-person services, JCK still has expenses. Donations in addition your dues and from guests are always welcome, especially at this difficult time. 

Click here to join or renew membership.

Click here to donate