Inter-Island Chevra Kadisha On Zoom This Sunday

Like a Sukkah sheltering the People of Israel in uncertain times, Chevra Kadisha, the system of Jewish end-of-life rituals, encircles and guides our island Jewish communities. Explore and learn how the Inter-Island Chevra Kadisha groups support the Jewish community and the processes of integrating life’s inevitable losses.

Kauai Rabbi Rob Kvidt invites you to join this unique and meaningful presentation.

Compassionate Presence and Sacred Encounter Sunday, May 1, 2022, 12:00pm - 1:30pm

To register, go to:

Chaplain Bruce Feldstein MD, BCC will present his approach to the Jewish mitzvah of visiting the sick, Bikkur Cholim. This workshop provides practical guidance for being with people in a way that allows for compassionate presence and sacred encounter. Dr. Feldstein’s teaching supports people experiencing illness or grief, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

Chaplain Bruce Feldstein, MD, BCC is highly accomplished and experienced in this field.

Please see his complete professional biography.