JCK 2022 Retreat

On August 6, 2022, the JCK Board held a retreat at the lovely home of Laura and Reouven Barzilai, attended by Laura Barzilai, Sara Silverman, Marty Kahn, Rob Goldberg, Elyse Litvack, Judy Rachap, Nate Morrow and Carol Pescaia.  

Sara Silverman, assisted by Marty Kahn, led a lively presentation and discussion about our Jewish community here on Kauai. This retreat was inspired by Sara’s and Marty’s participation in Nitzavim, which is an island-wide group, sponsored by the Weinberg Foundation, whose purpose is to strengthen each island’s Jewish communities, as well as explore ways we all can support each other.

In addition to learning more about each one of us individually, we talked about how we can expand JCK’s reach and relevance.  We were also treated to a delicious lunch prepared by Reouven.

Many thanks to all!