MAZON, the Jewish Response to Hunger, recently donated $15,000 to the Kauai Food Bank for operational support, and specifically food pick-ups, salvage, a and distribution. Dale and I presented the check on behalf of MAZON to Judy Lenthall and Kelvin Moniz of the Kauai Food Bank.From 2008-2009, the Kauai Food Bank experienced a 40% increase in demand for services. From January – May, 2010, there has been another 30% increase in demand over the same time period in 2009. The month of December, 2009 set a 16 year record high in demand for service. Although the Kauai Food Bank is the smallest food bank in the state, they continue to serve the largest percentage of the total population on their island. According to the Hunger Study, 2010, the KFB fed about 17% of the total population of Kauai - over 11,000 different people served in 2009. The KFB is the only Food Bank in Hawaii accredited by the (BBB) Better Business Bureau, meeting all 22 of their Standards for Charitable Accountability in governance, transparency, effectiveness, and performance.MAZON, A Jewish Response to Hunger, is a national nonprofit organization that allocates donations from the Jewish community to prevent and alleviate hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds. MAZON (“food” in Hebrew) founded in 1985, believes its dual purpose is to provide for those who are hungry today, and to address the systemic causes of hunger and poverty, both domestically and globally. MAZON is supported by over 100,000 donors who incorporate social justice and hunger relief as crucial components of their everyday lives. Each year MAZON grants over $4 million to more than 300 carefully screened hunger-relief agencies, multi-service organizations and advocacy groups that seek long-term solutions to the hunger problem.Their mission is:
- To educate and raise the consciousness of the Jewish community regarding its obligation to alleviate hunger and its causes;
- To make donating a portion of the cost of life cycle events (historically at least 3%) to MAZON a permanent tradition in Jewish life; and
- To provide for people who are hungry while at the same time advocating for other ways to end hunger and its causes.
For more information on the Kauai Food Bank please visit www.kauaifoodbank.orgComments.Subscribe to our email updates.