President's Address | Rosh Hashanah 5773

Israeli cover for Kauai ArkRosh Hashanah 5773 | Sept. 16, 2012Rosh Hashanah is the day on which God completed the creation of the world by creating Adam & Eve. The life-force of the universe is suspended until we proclaim our kinship with God through sounding the Shofar and reaffirming our commitment to serve God. God then renews the desire for our God/Human partnership, and creates our world again. (Paraphrased from Chabad newsletter).Whether one believes literally or symbolically, there is little doubt that these days of awe are the most profound in the Hebrew calendar. They give us a chance to review our year, ask forgiveness of those we have wronged, compel us to forgive those who request the same of us, and to strive to be better human beings for the next year through repentance, prayer, and charity. It has been said we are not human beings but human becomings.As Jews we are charged with Tukkun Olam, healing the world. We cannot heal the world without taking account of ourselves and healing ourselves in the process.Haadoti va chem hayom et hashamayim v’et haaretz, hachayim v’hamavet natati lefanechah habrachah v’hak-lalah, u’vachar’tah bachayimI call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you, life and death, blessing and curse, choose life.Shanah Tovah,Marty