We are hosting an experiential workshop with Rabbi Novick: "ENTERING THE TREE OF LIFE." We will explore the basic concepts of Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism.We need YOU to let us know that you will be attending on Sunday, February 19, 2012 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm at a Kapaa location provided with registration. The cost of the workshop is $10.00 per person and is open to everyone on the island. Registration for the workshop is required.You may register by calling Susan Storm at 212-1250 or emailing her at susanstorm92@gmail.com.
Jewish Mysticism Comes to Kauai
The Jewish Community of Kauai is pleased to welcome Rabbi Leah Novick on February 18 and 19, 2012. She will be providing spiritually and intellectually stimulating presentations for the Kauai community.Rabbi Leah has been a student and teacher of Jewish Mysticism for over twenty years and combines traditional knowledge with contemporary insights. She enjoys sharing this wisdom lineage with people of all backgrounds.This exciting weekend includes two dynamic events.
- Saturday, February 18, 2012 10:00 a.m. at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
. Rabbi Leah will conduct Shabbat services for the Jewish Community of Kauai. Non-members are welcome to attend. No RSVP is necessary.
- Sunday, February 19, 2012 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm at a Kapaa location provided with registration. Rabbi Novick will conduct a workshop titled "ENTERING THE TREE OF LIFE." This experiential workshop is a magical, meditative, musical journey into the world of Jewish Mysticism, exploring the basic concepts of Kabbalah, including the Levels of the Soul and Reincarnation (known as Gilgul in Hebrew). The cost of the workshop is $10.00 per person and is open to everyone on the island. Registration for the workshop is required. You may register by calling Susan Storm at 212-1250 or emailing her at susanstorm92@gmail.com.
Rabbi Leah Novick
This is a reminder to join us on Saturday February 18 at 10am for a wonderfully spiritual service led by Rabbi Leah Novick. It will take place at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
.Also be sure to reserve a spot for the discussion and learning event which takes place on Sunday February 19 by calling Susan Storm (808) 212-1250 or emailing her at susanstorm92@gmail.com.
Photo credit: International Association of Metaphysicians
Shabbat This Saturday January 14
Please join us for the first Shabbat service of 2012 on Saturday, January 14, 10am, at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
.Services will be led by Marty Kahn with a D'var Torah by Dale Rosenfeld. All are welcome, visitors and residents of all faiths. Come for prayer, come for song, come for discussion. Contact Dale for more information at 808-639-0283.
Martin Luther King Celebration
Please join us at the United Church of Christ in Kapaa (map) as we celebrate the life and message of Dr. Martin Luther King. On Monday January 16, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, many religions will come together in prayer and song to share the peaceful intention of this great man.I will be there on behalf of the Jewish Community of Kauai and will lead the attendees in Sim Shalom. I would love to have the community there to sing with me. For more information please contact me at 808-639-0283.
JCK Chanukah Celebration
Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, celebrates a miracle: [pullquote]Oil for the menorah that was supposed to last for one day, burned for eight, which was enough time to cleanse the temple. [/pullquote]Come celebrate the miracle with members of our Kauai Jewish community.Bring your menorah and two candles, plus a pot luck dessert to share. We will provide latkes and beverages. We'll also have candles available for a nominal fee. See you there!Tuesday, December 20, 6pm, at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
Sunday School Chanukah at Puakea
The Kauai Jewish Community Sunday School parents and children will again be hosting a Hanukkah party at Regency at Puakea retirement community on Friday, December 23rd at 6:30pm. Map.The children will sing songs, enjoy latkes and play the driedel game with residents at the assisted living facility.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Lisa Splittstoesser by email at lsplitts@yahoo.com or phone 634-7006.
Light the Menorah
Channukah is coming soon! Please join us in celebrating the Festival of Lights on Tuesday, December 20, at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
.We'll gather at 6pm for a short service, followed by lighting the first candle on our menorahs. It's a beautiful sight to see: our menorahs all gleaming as we kindle the lights together.We welcome your participation, so come with a menorah and two candles, one for the shamash, and one for the first night. There will also be candles available for purchase at a nominal fee.The Jewish Community will provide beverages and latkes; please bring a potluck dessert to share. Of course, we'll also have dreidels and gelt, Channukah stories and activities for the children.If you are able to help with either the set-up or the clean-up, please contact Carol at carol.pescaia@hawaiiantel.net or 651-8623. This is truly a community affair, and we need YOUR help.Looking forward to a fun and joyous gathering: See you there!
Giving for the Holidays
We will be collecting food baskets for Child and Family Services this Christmas season. Laundry baskets filled with nutritious foods and bags of rice will be put together for gifting.If you are interested in donating items, Lisa Splittstoesser will be collecting all items at her house. You may contact her via e-mail at lsplitts@yahoo.com.
November 18 Shabbat Service
Please help us celebrate Shabbat on Friday evening, November 18, 2011 at 7pm at St. Michael's Schul.Yesterday's emails got cut off inadvertently. I was asking for and would greatly appreciate your RSVP so that we can plan accordingly.We look forward to seeing all who who come out to worship with us. For more information, please contact JCK President Marty Kahn kahn.marty@gmail.com or leave a comment on the website (below).RSVP: Email Marty or comment below.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map
.When: Friday, November 18, at 7:00pm.
Gelt Free Service
Will you be there? We are planing a Friday Evening Shabbat Service on November 18, 2011, 7pm at St. Michael's in Lihue. Please take a moment to either leave a comment here, or email Marty Kahn, President of JCK, (kahn.marty@gmail.com). That way we'll have an idea of how much gelt to bring out (ok, maybe not gelt but how many prayer books ).Add your two cents to the service.
Did this make you laugh? Come pray with us. It may at least bring a smile to your face. Anyone want to bring a challah? Some fruit? Some bodies? Thanks for responding. No guilt intended, just punning around. Getting ready for Chanukah....when the real gelt will come out.
The Uganda Torah Project
Aloha Friends,A few days ago I received a wonderful You Tube clip from a dear friend and former JCK board member, Sharon (Moore) Giannotti. It is the story of the delivery of a sefer Torah to the Jewish community in the Putti village of Uganda.The Jewish community in Uganda - who could have imagined! A very touching piece - enjoy.