Innette Miller Imaikalani has written a beautiful piece titled These ‘Days of Awe.’"...It is here on this most northwestern edge of the Hawaiian Island chain, smack in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean, that I welcome these ‘Days of Awe’ and that I find the answers to “For what purpose…?” in the arms and heart of my Jewish community."Please read it here on her website as you follow her journey with her husband ‘Iokepa Hanalei ‘Imaikalani.Mahalo Innette.
Mahalo Foodland, Western Union and YOU
We will receive our money from the Give Aloha program at the end of October. Mahalo to all of you who donated through the program and to Foodland and Western Union. We appreciate your support. If you have not donated or paid dues, please consider doing so now.TOTAL DONATIONS
Organization Number | CustomerDonations Total | FoodlandDonations Total | Western UnionDonations Total | TotalDonations |
78502 | $1,591.00 | $275.42 | $107.23 | $1,973.65 |
President's Address | Rosh Hashanah 5773
Rosh Hashanah 5773 | Sept. 16, 2012Rosh Hashanah is the day on which God completed the creation of the world by creating Adam & Eve. The life-force of the universe is suspended until we proclaim our kinship with God through sounding the Shofar and reaffirming our commitment to serve God. God then renews the desire for our God/Human partnership, and creates our world again. (Paraphrased from Chabad newsletter).Whether one believes literally or symbolically, there is little doubt that these days of awe are the most profound in the Hebrew calendar. They give us a chance to review our year, ask forgiveness of those we have wronged, compel us to forgive those who request the same of us, and to strive to be better human beings for the next year through repentance, prayer, and charity. It has been said we are not human beings but human becomings.As Jews we are charged with Tukkun Olam, healing the world. We cannot heal the world without taking account of ourselves and healing ourselves in the process.Haadoti va chem hayom et hashamayim v’et haaretz, hachayim v’hamavet natati lefanechah habrachah v’hak-lalah, u’vachar’tah bachayimI call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you, life and death, blessing and curse, choose life.Shanah Tovah,Marty
Kauai Jews and Visitors Welcome for Yom Kippur 2012
All visitors are welcomed at our services and onegs.We ask for a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it. Paid members of our congregation are welcome at no additional charge. Our expenses include our Rabbi, food for onegs, and many other items to keep our organization running through the year. Please contact a board member if you can not afford to contribute financially. We welcome all to participate with us and help in any capacity.Yom Kippur services will be observed by The Jewish Community of Kauai on September 25 and 26, 2012. We welcome all to worship with us. Following is the schedule. All services are at St. Michael's Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted. Map
. We look forward to seeing you. Yom Kippur
- Tuesday September 25 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre
- Wednesday September 26
- 10:00 AM - 12 Noon Morning Services
- Following morning services Tashlich at the pier
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Adult Discussion
- 5:00PM-7:00PM Yiskor and conclusion
- 7:00 PM Break the Fast
Hag Sameach | High Holidays on Kauai
We look forward to seeing residents and visitors at our Rosh Hashanah services. If you have not reserved for the luncheon immediately following the morning Rosh Hashanah service on Monday, September 17, please email to the Jewish community are always gratefully accepted.For the full schedule of services, please click here High Holidays 2012.
Children's Learning Opportunity with Rabbi Schifra
Families with children, please join us Sunday, September 16th, 2012 at 10am for a fun-filled morning of learning about Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Shifra.This Kauai Jewish New Year event will be hosted by Dr. Steve, Sara and Isaac Dubey at their residence in Wailua Homesteads (6528 Kalama Road).Please RSVP to the Dubey family directly at if you are planning to attend. There is no charge and both local residents and visitors are welcome.
Dues and Contributions 2012 and High Holiday Reminder
Have you made your commitment to our community? We need YOU in order to be able to continue perpetuating Jewish traditions on Kauai. By donating at this time we are able to pay for High Holidays expenses and budget for the rest of the year. Please donate now.We greatly appreciate your continued membership in the Jewish Community of Kauai.
Jewish Community of Kauai: We can't do it without you!
We recommend any of the following:
- $150/individual or $250/family (or more) sent before the New Year (September 16).
- Bring your contributions to High Holiday services.
- Use the PayPal button below for annual or monthly payment options.
- Donate with matching funds through Foodland's Give Aloha program and let us know so we may acknowledge you.
Please RSVP. Also, if you are planning on attending our Luncheon immediately following the morning Rosh Hashanah service on Monday, September 17, 2012, reservations are required. Please email here to see the schedule for High Holidays 2012
No Charge for Rosh Hashanah Luncheon
In the spirit of the High Holidays, we welcome all who attend services to join us for a complimentary meal. Luncheon immediately follows the morning Rosh Hashanah service on Monday, September 17, as we celebrate High Holidays 2012.Luncheon reservations are required. Please email to the Jewish community are always gratefully accepted.
High Holidays 2012
HIGH HOLIDAYS 2012SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND EVENTSPlease help us celebrate the Jewish New Year.Following is the schedule for our Kauai High Holidays observances. All services are at St. Michael's Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted. Map
. We look forward to seeing you.Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias will lead us again this year in prayer and song. Readers in English and Hebrew, opening and closing the ark, carrying the torah, greeting visitors, and many other roles are available for honoring our traditions. Contact any board member to volunteer.Rosh HashanahSunday, September 16, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Evening Services).Monday, September 17, 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Morning Services).
- Kiddush to follow Services: Apples and Honey, Nuts and Honey-cake.
- Complimentary luncheon by reservation only. RSVP to or (808) 639-0283.
Yom KippurTuesday September 25 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Kol Nidre).Wednesday September 26.
- 10:00 AM - 12 Noon Morning Services.
- Tashlich at the pier.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Adult discussion.
- 5:00PM-7:00PM Yiskor and conclusion.
- 7:00 PM Break the Fast.
We ask for a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it. Paid members of our congregation are welcome at no additional charge. Our expenses include our Rabbi, food for onegs, and many other items to keep our organization running through the year. Please contact a board member if you can not afford to contribute financially. We welcome all to participate with us and help in any capacity.
Foodland Give Aloha 2012
Foodland Give Aloha Starts September 1, 2012Our organization is participating in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program. This program honors Foodland’s founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, and continues his legacy of giving back to the community.How It Works
- From Sept. 1-30, customers are invited to make donations of up to a cumulative total of $249 per person, per organization to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at checkout.
- Individuals must use their own Maika‘i Card to make a donation. Foodland will match a portion of each donation.
- Donations made without a Maika‘i Card will not be matched. If you do not have a Maika‘i Card, you may request one and need to use it before donating.
How To Donate
- The five digit registration code for Jewish Community of Kauai is 78502. Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total.
- At checkout, present your Maika`i Card and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to our organization.
- You may give up to $249 per organization (donations exceeding $249 will not be matched). The amount you have donated to us and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt. Any donation must be made payable to Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms.
- Donor names will not be released to our organization, so if you would like us to know of your gift, please contact us directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift.
- Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation. These contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
- Our banner will be at Foodland Waipouli but you may contribute at any Foodland in the state of Hawaii.
August 17, 2012 Shabbat Service Cancelled
The Shabbat service scheduled for this Friday, August 17, 2012 has been cancelled. Our next service is Erev Rosh Hashanah, on Sunday, September 16, 2012.Please stay tuned for High Holidays updates.Mahalo and we look forward to seeing you at Rosh Hashanah.Note: We apologize for emails you received this weekend containing updates for events which were in the past. The website was rebuilt on Saturday which resulted in that anomaly. Mahalo for your understanding.
CANCELLED Shabbat service
The Shabbat service scheduled for July 28, 2012 has been cancelled. Our next service is scheduled for Friday, August 17.Mahalo and we look forward to seeing you in August.