Mahjong Anyone?

A new mahjong group (American Style) is starting on Kauai. Our goal is to play, have fun and enjoy good company (and a nosh or two).Beginners and experienced players welcome.We are thinking of playing Tuesday evenings, but this is subject to the needs of those that join the group. If you are interested in playing, please contact Elyse Litvack or 808-632-0034.

Kauai Passover 2013 Reservations Reminder

Kauai Passover 2013Kauai Passover 2013 Reservations Reminder

(Print button is at bottom of form)There are only 100 seats available for our Kauai Passover Seder. Please include payment with your registration form. Reservations received by March 20, 2013 guarantee your choice  of entrées.When: Monday March 25, 2013.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.Time: Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and Seder begin at 6:15pm.The Seder meal will be preceded by a traditional service including sweet Kosher wine.Members: Adult $50/child $25   Non-Members:  Adult $75/child $50Please mail form with check to JCK c/o Dale Rosenfeld, PO Box 269, Kapaa, HI 96746After March 20, 2013 reserve by phone (808-639-0283) with credit card required to hold seat. Members and Non-Members: adult $80/child $55 .MENUPrepared by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden.Seder Plate; MatzohGefilte Fish; Chicken Soup with Matzoh BallsEntrée Choice of:

  • Chicken tagine with apricots & Moroccan spices
  • Salmon with dill caper sauce
  • Vegetarian stuffed pepper with tahini sauce
  • Lamb Tsimis
  • Children's entree: Teriyaki roasted chicken thighs

Green salad with olives and pine nuts with sun dried tomato vinaigrettePotato kale kugelDessert sampler of carrot cake, chocolate truffle, candied orange peelBeverages: Filtered Water, Fresh Juice, Coffee, TeaPlease feel free to bring your choice of wine or other drink.Name ________________________Address__________________________________________________Telephone number ________________________Email address ________________________

JCK Members Non-Members
Adults $50 $75
Children (up to 12 yrs.) with meal $25 $50
Seat with no meal FREE FREE
# Chicken # Fish # Vegetarian Total
Adults ______ ______ ______ ______
Children (up to 12 yrs.) ______ ______ ______ ______
Seat with no meal -0- -0- -0- ______
Total Meals ______ ______ ______ ______
Total $ $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____

Please write in Lamb Tsimis  and add to total.Children's price for chicken thighs only.Checks should be payable to Jewish Community of Kauai and sent with this form:JCK c/o Dale Rosenfeld, PO Box 269, Kapaa, HI 96746Questions? PH: 808-639-0283 or e-mail: dale@kauaijewishcommunity.comWe invite you to join our congregation: Family Membership $250; Individual Membership $150

Kauai Passover 2013 Invitation and Reservation Form

Kauai Passover

Join us for our Kauai Passover Seder 2013

(Print reservation form using button at bottom) All are welcome. There are 100 seats available with reservations  due by March 20,2013. Reservations are guaranteed only when payment is included with your registration form.  March 20, 2013  is the final day to choose entree. Please call only for late reservations after March 20, 2013.When: Monday March 25, 2013.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.Time: Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and Seder begin at 6:15pm.The meal will be preceded by a traditional Seder service including sweet Kosher wine.MenuPrepared by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden.Seder Plate; MatzohGefilte Fish; Chicken Soup with Matzoh BallsEntrée Choice of:

  • Chicken tagine with apricots & Moroccan spices
  • Salmon with dill caper sauce
  • Lamb Tzimmes
  • Vegetarian stuffed pepper with tahini sauce
  • Children's entree: Teriyaki roasted chicken thighs

Green salad with olives and pine nuts with sun dried tomato vinaigrettePotato and kale kugelDessert sampler: carrot cake, chocolate truffle, candied orange peelBeverages: Filtered Water, Fresh Juice, Coffee, TeaPlease feel free to bring your choice of wine or other drink.Name ________________________Address__________________________________________________Telephone number ________________________Email address ________________________

JCK Members Non-Members
Adults $50 $75
Children (up to 12 yrs.) with meal $25 $50
Seat with no meal FREE FREE
# Chicken # Fish # Vegetarian Total
Adults ______ ______ ______ ______
Children (up to 12 yrs.) ______ ______ ______ ______
Seat with no meal -0- -0- -0- ______
Total Meals ______ ______ ______ ______
Total $ $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____

Please write in Lamb Tsimis  and add to total.Children's price for chicken thighs only.Checks should be payable to Jewish Community of Kauai and sent with this form to:JCK c/o Dale Rosenfeld, PO Box 269, Kapaa, HI 96746Questions? Phone 808-639-0283 or e-mail: dale@kauaijewishcommunity.comWe invite you to join our congregation: Family Membership $250; Individual Membership $150Kauai Passover shoppingAt this time the Safeway store in Kapaa has a good supply of Passover products. Act quickly as these tend to sell out fast.

Kauai Purim Reminder

Please come help celebrate our survival as a Jewish People in a special Kauai Purim.No need to RSVP, just come and bring a dessert to share. Visitors, we request a donation of $5/person, $10/family. There is no fee for members.Mexican Jewish star

Kauai Purim Celebration

Location. St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.Date/Time. Saturday Evening February 23, 2013 6pm.Potluck. Please bring desserts, fruits or homemade Hamantashen. We will provide beverages.Hamantashen. We will provide Hamantashen. Your home made versions are welcome too!

Purim coming soon

PurimBring out your fancy tiaras and heavy mustaches for our Purim Party.Our Sunday School students and parents will lead this party with songs and the story of the festival that commemorates the deliverance of the Jews of the Persian Empire from a plot to destroy them.Location. St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.Date/Time. Saturday Evening February 23, 2013 6pmPotluck. Please bring desserts, fruits or homemade hamantashen. We will provide beverages.Hamantashen. We will provide Hamantashen. Home made versions are welcome too!Shalach Manos. Giving to charity or to needy people is part of the tradition on Purim. We encourage you to bring a few extra can goods for the Loaves and Fishes Food Outreach or a monetary donation made to JCK for us to pass on to the Kauai Food Bank.Cost. There is no cost to attend this event for JCK members. Please speak to a board member if you would like to join. Also consider a donation to the JCK to help defray our costs. Visitors, we request a donation of $5/person, $10/family.

Funeral for Dr. Francine Snyder and Kauai Jewish Cemetery

star of davidFuneral Announcement

On Sunday January 13 at 5pm, the funeral for Dr. Francine Snyder, whose untimely death has saddened our community, will take place at Kalapaki Bay Memorial Park.Please see map and directions below.

Kauai Jewish Cemetery

At 4pm, prior to the funeral, a special service and dedication to consecrate a Jewish cemetery on Kauai will take place. Hereafter the site will be used for burials of Jews on Kauai.The new Kauai Jewish Memorial Garden will be located within the existing Kalapaki Bay Memorial Park.More information will be available at the event.Map and Location: The cemetery is located off Lala Place (on the same street as Kauai High School).Traveling from the north, take Rice St. past the Kauai Marriott. Turn right onto Lala Place, just after the shops. Look for a white marker on the left side, before the High School. Turn left and continue to the road's end.Traveling from the south, Turn right at Nawiliwili Rd toward the harbor. Just after Puakea Golf Course on the right, you will see a a turn to the left going uphill. This is Lala Place. Continue past the high School, then veer right and continue to the road's end.

Dr. Francine Snyder

Dr. Francine SnyderWith sadness and tears I share with you the unfortunate news of the passing of our dear friend, Francine Snyder. She is survived by her mother, Naomi, who is here on Kauai now.As details of her funeral become more clear we will make an announcement of time and location.Meantime, we are trying our utmost to observe the laws of "Shmirah" which involves a vigil, being near her body non-stop until she is interred. If you are able to do a shift of several hours, please call Dale Rosenfeld or Richard Seigel. We can use your help.There are no words of comfort at this time....May G-d bless her soul, and give her mom the strength she needs to face this, and end suffering in our world, Amen!Richard Seigel - 651-0889Dale Rosenfeld- 639-0283

Kauai Chanukah Reminder

Kauai chanukah menorahsPlease join us at 5pm on December 8, 2012 for our Kauai Hanukkah celebration.  We will gather at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue in the parish hall. Map.Please bring your menorahs and candles. Extra lighters, too.  Candles will be available for purchase. Dairy or vegetarian potluck, with latkes and beverages provided.

Kauai Chanukah Celebration | December 8, 2012

chanukah on kauaiThe Jewish Community of Kauai will celebrate Chanukah with latkes, candle lighting, singing, and more. All are welcome to join us with a potluck dish of your choice.  We will provide beverages and latkes with applesauce and sour cream.  You can  bring main dishes, salads, or desserts.  Dairy, fish or vegetarian only, please.A brief service will begin the evening at 5pm on December 8, 2012.  We will gather at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue in the parish hall. Map.Please bring your menorahs and candles. Extra lighters, too.  Candles will be available for purchase.Mahalo to all who have volunteered to help:

  • Marty K - Service
  • Carol P - food prep, menorah lighting
  • Sara D- food prep, shopping
  • Rob G- setup, cleanup
  • Jeff T and Rob K - food prep
  • Laura B - setup, cleanup
  • Dale R - organization
Photo: Menorahs made by JCK Hebrew school kids.

Kauai Jews Gather For Shabbat | November 10, 2012

Kauai Jewsih CommunityPlease join us for Shabbat services on Saturday November 10, 2012 at 10:00am.  This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim ("the Shabbat that blesses" the new month): a special prayer is recited blessing the Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") for the upcoming month of Kislev, which occurs on Thursday of next week.Services will be led by Marty Kahn with a  discussion led by Dale Rosenfeld.All are welcome to join us at 10am November 10, 2012. We will gather at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Hardy Street in Lihue. Map.