Kauai Jews | Sunday School with Rabbi Shifra

mezzuzahVisitors and residents are invited to bring your children to the Jewish Community of Kauai's Sunday School on September 8, 2013 for a special class. Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias will be teaching at 10am for one day only.Parents and their children will meet at Island School in the Frear Room (first building on right when you enter the Island School complex in Puhi). For more information and directions please contact Sara Dubey 808-639-4860.

Kauai Jewish Community | 2013-2014 Dues and Donations

Kauai high holidaysWe greatly appreciate your continued membership in the Jewish Community of Kauai and look forward to welcoming all Kauai Jews and visitors at the upcoming High Holidays.

Jewish Community of Kauai Needs your Donations

Any of the following ways to contribute are recommended:

See our Kauai High Holidays 2013 Schedule of Services.

Give Aloha through Foodland

give alohaKauai Jews can help our community in this unique way. During September only, Foodland Hawaii grocery stores invites customers to make donations of up to a total of $249 (per person, per organization) at checkout to their favorite Hawaii non-profit organization which is registered in the Give Aloha program. Donations are accepted at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout. This year, Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match each donate up to a total of $350,000 for all organizations combined.The Jewish Community of Kauai code is 78502. When you shop during September please donate to our community. If you want your donation applied to a specific need in our Jewish community (membership, books, support of our Hebrew school, etc.) please send a copy of your receipt and a note indicating your specific intent to JCK,  P.O. Box 3749, Lihue HI 96766.Mahalo for supporting our Kauai Jewish Community.

Kauai High Holidays 2013 Schedule of Services

north shore kauaiKauai High Holidays 2013

Schedule of events and services:We welcome all to celebrate the newest year in our calendar.Following is the schedule for our Kauai High Holidays observances. All services are at St. Michael’s Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted. Map. We again are pleased to have Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias lead us in prayer and song.Please consider contacting a board member to volunteer to read in English or Hebrew, open and close the ark, or carry the torah.

Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, September 4

  • 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Evening Services).

Thursday, September 5

  • 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Morning Services).
  • Kiddush to follow Services: Apples and Honey, Nuts and Honey-cake.

Yom Kippur

Friday September 13

  • 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre and Shabbat Service

Saturday September 14

  • 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Morning Services.
  • Tashlich at the pier following
  • 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Adult discussion.
  • 5:00PM-7:00PM Yiskor and conclusion.
  • 7:00 PM Break the Fast.

We ask for a minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service, or more if you can afford it. Paid members of our congregation are welcome at no additional charge. Our expenses include our Rabbi, food for onegs, and many other items to keep our organization running through the year. Please contact a board member if you can not afford to contribute financially. We welcome all to participate with us and help in any capacity.  

Kauai Shabbat Celebration August 10, 2013

Kauai orchidWe will be celebrating Shabbat at 10am on August 10, 2013 at St. Michael’s Church in Lihue. Map. We welcome all to join us in worship, both visitors and Kamaaina.Services will be led by Marty Kahn. Dale Rosenfeld will lead a discussion on justice, which is the theme of this week's parsha. "Justice, justice shall you pursue" has been acknowledged to be the basis of due process in American Jurisprudence and the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. Please bring your thoughts on what justice means today.Services are open to all who are interested and we look forward to seeing you. Please feel free to let us know if you would like to teach, sing, or lead us in a prayer. Mahalo.

Kauai Jews Thank St. Michaels

As an expression of appreciation the Jewish Community of Kauai recently contracted with Hawaii Care & Cleaning to shampoo the carpets, deep clean the kitchen, and wax the floor at St. Michaels. HCC did a wonderful job.Following is a note of thanks we received from the office at St. Michaels.

Saint Michaels

Musical Concert

Saturday, April 13th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Parish Hall, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.Rabbi Moshe Halfon will perform a musical concert. Coffee and dessert provided. Everyone welcome.We encourage any amount of donation at the door for Rabbi Moshe.Any questions: Please contact Lisa Splittstoesser @634-7006 or lsplitts@yahoo.com

Last call for Kauai Passover 2013

Kauai PassoverLast call for Kauai Passover 2013

Please join us for our 2013 Kauai Passover Seder.  on the menu of categories for the reservation form.  We are nearly sold out, and after March 20,2013 a credit card will be needed with your phoned reservation.  Members and non-members after March 20, 2013 $80 adults/$55 children with meal.Please call 808-639-0283 only for late reservations after March 20, 2013.When: Monday March 25, 2013.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.Time: Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and Seder begin at 6:15pm.The meal will be preceded by a traditional Seder service including sweet Kosher wine.Menu prepared by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden.