January 3 is the first Shabbat on Kauai of the new year. Please come and join us!
Happy Chanukah! | 2015 Events Calendar
Happy Chanukah Kauai!On behalf of the Board of the Kauai Jewish community, I'd like to wish you all a very festive Chanukah.Join us Sunday at 6pmWe look forward to seeing you at our community's annual Kauai Chanukah party on Sunday, December 21. There will be lots of fun to be had there, and your presence will make it even happier.As a reminder, there is no charge for JCK members. We suggest a $5 donation for a single person and $20 donation for a family for non-members.JCK will be providing traditional latkas and drinks. Please bring a non-meat potluck dish to share as follows:
- A-K main dish
- L-P dessert
- R-Z pupu
2015 Kauai Jewish Events CalendarPlease check out the updated Kauai Jewish Events Calendar on the website. In addition to monthly calendars, you'll now find a new listing of currently scheduled events for all of 2015: services, parties, pot lucks, and so on. There may, of course, be slight changes as the year progresses, but we'll keep updating calendars as well as emailing you Kauai Jewish event details.Have any Calendar Ideas or Additions?If there's something you'd like to see happening on Kauai, please let us know, either through our Kauai Jewish website, by calling me at 821-0579, or emailing me at sallyanddonwilson@gmail.com. We'll do our best to make it happen.So light those candles and eat those fried yummies, and we'll see you on the 21st.Aloha!
Join us for the Bar Mitzvah of Sasha Rovinsky on December 13
We look forward to your joining fellow Kauai Jews as we celebrate Sasha Rovinsky's Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, December 13, 2014.Sasha, who is 13 years old, was born and raised on the island of Kauai. His father's family comes from the Ukraine and a long line of Orthodox Rabbis.
"I have been brought up with a Jewish identity, following the customs and holidays of our religion in our home. After visiting Israel last year and learning more about our ancestry and religion, I have felt more of a personal connection to our heritage. It was my own decision to have a Bar Mitzvah and I appreciate the support of The Jewish Community of Kauai and am especially thankful for Marty Kahn's patience, teaching, and guidance."
Mahalo.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, December 13, 2014Time: 10:00 am.Lunch: A light Oneg will follow the services.
First Kauai Shabbat Service of 5775
Let's all join together for our first Kauai Shabbat service of the new year! Marty Kahn will lead the service, and our own yeshiva bocher, Greg Meyers, will chant from the Torah. Isn't it awesome that we have someone in our community who can do that? Come and show your appreciation next Saturday.Plus, we'll have a very nice Oneg Shabbat afterward, organized by new board member, returned after a sabbatical, Esther Solomon.We'll pray a little, sing a little, eat a little and shmooze a little. Sounds like a great time!!When: Saturday, November 22, at 10 a.m.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.
Sukkot on Kauai
The Jewish Community of Kauai Sunday School participated in the building of a Sukkah this year, in celebration of the holiday of Sukkot. A Sukkah is a temporary shelter with four walls and a thatched roof, made out of trees and branches.The Sukkah reminds us of the supernatural protection against the difficult climate that our ancestors experienced throughout their desert travels. Beyond its historical significance, the Sukkah symbolizes the realization that our lives are temporary and that our personal situations might change at any instance.Special thanks to the Barzilai, Hibbitt and Splittstoesser families for providing the site, and bamboo and palm materials. Rabbi Rita Leonard supervised the construction.
Loaves and Fishes Donations + Extended Yom Kippur Discussion with Rabbi
Donations to Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry.In keeping with the Jewish tradition of tzedakah or charity, and with the Hawaiian spirit of aloha, we ask for donations of food and money to the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. The largest food pantry on Kauai distributes food to about one hundred people each week, is staffed by volunteers, and is supported by donations including ours. Canned and/or non perishable food is requested.Adult Discussion With Rabbi Rita.Please note that the adult discussion with Rabbi Rita Leonard will now start at 4pm on Saturday October 4. Don't miss it.For more information.Please refer to our Yom Kippur schedule. All events take place at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.L'Shana Tovah.
Kauai Jewish Sunday School Supports Israeli Orphanage
The Sunday School of the Jewish Community of Kauai sent $200 to Lev Lalev, an organization that sponsors an orphanage for Jewish girls in Natanya, Israel, on September 17, 2014.The money had been collected as nickels, dimes, quarters and dollar bills during our classes on Sundays as “Tzedakah”, a very important obligation for Jews."Tzedakah" is the Hebrew word for acts that we call "charity" in English. However, the nature of tzedakah is very different from the idea of charity, which suggests benevolence and generosity. The word "tzedakah" is derived from a Hebrew root meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor or needy is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act. It is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the needy their due.As we celebrate Rosh Hashanah this New Year, we are also beginning a new Sunday School year and we have begun collecting again. The students had several ideas of where to send their tzedakah, and selected Lev Lalev. This year they will again consider options and vote for a recipient.L’Shana Tova ,Sally Wilson
Updates for High Holidays | Hosted Luncheon and Introducing Rabbi Rita Leonard
L'Shana Tova to all of our members, visitors and friends. On behalf of the community and our board of directors, we look forward to welcoming in the New Year with you commencing with Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday evening, September 24, 2014.In addition to the revised schedule of events below, we will be treated to a catered luncheon hosted by Vicki Ellacott and Esther Richman. This will take place on Thursday September 25, immediately following morning services.This year we're pleased to announce that our services will be conducted by Rabbi Rita Leonard, who will be joining us from the Big Island.Services take place at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.Our community relies solely on your High Holiday donations and membership in order to continue. Please plan to make payment at or before the High Holidays. See information below.Lastly, we wish each of you a sweet new year!
Rabbi Rita Leonard
[pullquote]Please join us, come home. –Rita Leonard[/pullquote]High Holiday services will be led this year by Rabbi Rita Leonard, liturgical composer and mystic, who has for over four decades been devoted to art, literature, truth and the transmission of Jewish light. The services she leads will be rich with teachings conducted primarily in English and Hebrew, with Yiddish being her first language and love.A retired Rabbi of a New York historic ‘shtetl shul’ she has given spiritual counsel to many. Under her influence there shall be imbedded into the classic tradition of High Holy Day Services comforting, explorative and meditative elements for all those attending.
Catered Luncheon
On Thursday September 25, following the morning Rosh Hashanah services, please join us for lunch. It is being generously sponsored by Vicki Ellacott and Esther Richman. The feast will be prepared by Sandy Jennings of Fresh From The Garden, our incredible caterer of long standing. The holiday banquet will include:
- Homemade challah
- Tossed green salad
- Cole slaw
- Lox and bagels with assorted cream cheese and condiments
- Kugel
- Eggplant casserole
- Honey cake
- Honey and apples
- Strawberry shortcake
- Beverages
Schedule of Events
Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, September 24
- 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Evening Services).
Thursday, September 25
- 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Morning Services).
- Luncheon hosted by Vicki Ellacott and Esther Richman.
- Tashlich at Nawiliwili Pier after lunch.
Yom Kippur
Friday October 3
- 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre and Shabbat Service.
Saturday October 4
- 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Morning Services.
- 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Adult discussion.
- 5:00PM-7:00 PM Yiskor and conclusion.
- 7:00 PM Break the Fast.
Contributions and Membership
- A minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service is requested. Your support is greatly appreciated!
- Paid members of our congregation are welcome at no additional charge. Please be sure to renew your membership for the High Holidays.
- We accept payment for contributions and membership at the door, or in advance via 1) check to our mailing address, 2) PayPal on our website, and 3) until September 30 at Foodland's Give Aloha program.
- Please contact us if you cannot afford to contribute financially.
- Your donations and memberships fund our visiting Rabbi, food, supplies, plus many other items required to keep our organization running throughout the year.
- We welcome all to join in with us and help in any capacity. Let us know how you would like to participate.
- Advance High Holiday tickets are not required.
Kauai High Holidays 2014
Kauai High Holidays 2014
Schedule of events and services:We welcome all to celebrate the newest year in our Jewish calendar.Following is the schedule for our Kauai High Holidays observances. All services are at St. Michael’s Church in Lihue unless otherwise noted. Map. Our Rabbi this year is Rabbi Rita Leonard from Big Island of Hawaii, who will lead us in prayer and song.Please consider contacting us to volunteer to read in English or Hebrew, open and close the ark, or carry the torah.Rosh HashanahWednesday, September 24
- 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Evening Services).
Thursday, September 25
- 10:00 AM - 12 Noon (Morning Services).
- Luncheon to follow Services (stay tuned for more details). Generously hosted by Vicki Ellacott and Esther Richman.
- Tashlich at the pier following lunch.
Yom Kippur
Friday October 3
- 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre and Shabbat Service.
Saturday October 4
- 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Morning Services.
- 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Adult discussion.
- 5:00PM-7:00 PM Yiskor and conclusion.
- 7:00 PM Break the Fast.
Contributions and Membership
- A minimum contribution of $30 per person for each service if requested. More than that amount would be greatly appreciated!
- Paid members of our congregation are welcome at no additional charge. Please be sure to renew your membership for the high holidays.
- We accept payment for services/membership at the door, or in advance via 1) check to our mailing address, 2) PayPal on our website, and 3) Foodland's Give Aloha program.
- Please contact us if you can not afford to contribute financially.
- Your donations and memberships fund our visiting Rabbi, food and supplies, plus many other items required to keep our organization running through the year.
- We welcome all to participate with us and help in any capacity.
- Advance High Holiday tickets are not required.
A personal letter to the JCK community
I am stepping down as President of the JCK as of the upcoming High Holidays. I will still be around to assist, am willing to serve on the board, or just be available as in an emeritus position. I can not for speak for Dale. She has been an invaluable partner in keeping our community alive.For those who want to affiliate with an eclectic, egalitarian, religious, spiritual, non-affiliated Judaism, there is a need for us. There is a need for you.I know we do not speak to all the Jews on Kauai. There is Chabad for Jews seeking a more formal approach. There will always be seekers on their own spiritual path.It’s time for you to step forward and take on the task of shepherding your children and our community to a newer, higher level and address the challenges of our small yet vital group.Your leadership and energy will take the JCK to its next level of service to the Jews on Kauai and the visitors who look forward to joining us when they are away from their home congregations.My 25 year history with JCK.It was approx 1989. Dr. Bennett Parnes asked me to join the board of the newly formed JCK. Noting that I said yes was curious to me as I hadn’t been a practicing Jew since my Bar Mitzvah in 1959. But along life’s journey my heritage had not been lost. I was raising my kids with a Jewish awareness, which for some reason was very important to me, thanks to the open mindedness and support of my loving, non-Jewish wife Carole.I said yes to Dr. Parnes because something inside told me that I could and should make a commitment to a Jewish presence on Kauai. I did not do this for personal gain or recognition (or monetary reward!). Watching our community come together to worship, find answers to unfathomable questions, witnessing the transformative process of a child becoming a young man/woman through their Bat/Bar Mitzvah trainings, and countless other life-affirming events, my involvement with the JCK has repaid me with countless moments of satisfaction.Upcoming ElectionsWe will open the floor for nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer to the community prior to the High Holidays. Voting will take place by email. In a subsequent post you will be receiving a ballot and instructions for voting.May our community continue to grow and thrive and be available as a source and resource to all who find comfort here.Shalom,Marty
Kauai Bar Mitzvah on August 9, 2014
Please join us as we celebrate the Kauai Bar Mitzvah of Max Matola.
Details:Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, August 9, 2014 Time: 10:00 am.A light lunch will follow tjhe services. Please RSVP to Judi Matola at 808-482-0787.Mahalo and we look forward to seeing you there.
Leaders Needed For Kauai Jewish Services | July Shabbat Cancelled
The Jewish Community of Kauai is in need of leaders for services and events.Unfortunately, the next Shabbat service scheduled for July 19, 2014 is hereby cancelled, unless someone can step forward.If we have a member of the community who would like to lead the service, please let Dale know immediately. It takes a village of people to keep the village alive.Mahalo!