A Different Kauai Shabbat | June 6, 2015

ShabbatOn June 6, Shabbat services will be led by Sally Wilson and Louise Arakaki (she of the beautiful voice). Please join us! It will be great.See you at St. Michael's at 10 am. Also - please remember to mail us your survey response or let us know if you did not receive it.Lastly, we appreciate your non-perishable food items for St. Michael’s “feed the hungry” program.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, June 6, 2015.Time: 10:00 am.For more information call Sally at 808-821-0579. 

Kauai Shabbat Service and a Special Simcha

Larry and TinkePlease come celebrate LARRY AND TINKE RAITHAUS' first wedding anniversary!On May 2, 2015 we will have our scheduled Shabbat service at 10 am at St. Michael Church in Lihu`e. Since their wedding took place off-island, Larry and Tinke will host a special catered Oneg Shabbat so their Kaua`i friends can join in the simcha.Marty Kahn will be leading the service, with help from our fabulous Sunday School students. Greg Meyers will chant from the Torah, and Larry will read the Haftarah. Monroe Richman will lead a parsha discussion. What a line-up!!Please remember to bring your non-perishable food items for St. Michael's "feed the hungry" program.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, May 2, 2015.Time: 10:00 am.For more information call Sally at 808-821-0579.  

Kauai Shabbat with Rabbi Yoshi Zweibeck Tonight!

poipu beach parkA quick reminder to please join us this evening when Rabbi Yoshi Zweibeck of Los Angeles' Stephen Wise Temple will be leading our Kabbalat Shabbat.Start Time is 5:30pm.Our service will take place at Poipu Beach Park pavillion. We'll convene at 5:30 pm as Kabbalat Shabbat begins before sundown and celebrates Shabbat through Psalms, hymns, and blessings.Potluck Dinner.Please bring your favorite dish to share. JCK will provide wine for kiddush, paper goods, and home-made challah.Bring Lawn Chairs.Please bring chairs if you have them. In addition, we'll be using the park's picnic benches and tables.Mahalo and a hui hou. 

Special Kabbalat Kauai Shabbat on April 10

Yoshi ZweibackA special treat awaits Kauai Jews and visitors next week when Rabbi Yoshi Zweibeck, Senior Rabbi-Elect of Stephen Wise Temple of Los Angeles, is visiting Kauai. He has graciously offered to be with us on Friday, April 10, 2015, for a Kabbalat Shabbat. Shabbat is a time of joy, and a Kabbalat Shabbat celebrates and welcomes the Shabbat with songs and blessings.The Poipu pavilion has been reserved, so let's all get together for a lovely evening with Rabbi Yoshi, including a potluck dinner. Everyone please bring your favorite dish to share. JCK will provide wine for kiddush, paper goods, and home-made challah.Meet at the Poipu Beach Park pavillion at 5:30 pm to enjoy the balmy Poipu evening with your friends and community. 

Passover on Kauai Seder - Time to Reserve is NOW

Kauai Passover with Cantor Ken CohenMake your reservations now for the 2015 Kauai Jewish Community Pesach Seder.Traditional Seder plates and gourmet food catered by Sandy Jennings, of Fresh from the Garden.Seder performed by Cantor Ken Cohen, previously of Temple Emanuel in Honolulu.After the March 29 deadline you may not get your choice of food.Call Sally at (808) 821-0579 or email her at sallyanddonwilson@gmail.com if you have questions.We look forward to being together again this year.   

Kauai Seder 2015 - Reserve Now!

Kauai PassoverJewish Community of Kaua`i SederDON'T MISS OUT ..... RESERVE NOW!Passover is almost upon us. This year we're honored to have Cantor Ken Cohen leading our Seder, which promises to be both inspirational and delicious. For more details, see our Passover on Kauai post.Seating is limited, so send in your reservation form as soon as possible (click here for form), no later than March 29.For more information, please call Sally at (808)821-0579 or email to sallyanddonwilson@gmail.com.

Passover on Kauai 2015 With Cantor Ken Cohen

Kauai PassoverThe Jewish Community of Kaua`i invites members and visitors to our annual Passover Seder, led by Cantor Ken Cohen of Honolulu. Traditional Seder plates, foods and kosher wine will accompany the Seder.

Kaua`i Passover Seder 2015 with Cantor Ken Cohen

 Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Sunday, April 5, 2015Time: 5:00 pm (doors open), 5:30 pm (Seder begins).There are only 100 seats available, so reserve early, and no later than March 29. Please submit your check payment with the reservation form. Click here for registration form.Late reservations may be accommodated as seating permits, but with no choice of entrée. For further information, please call Sally at (808) 821-0579 or email sallyanddonwilson@gmail.com.The festive meal includes:

  • Matzoh ball soup
  • Gefilte fish (Israeli style with tahini)
  • Seder Plate including Hard-cooked eggs (Beitzah), Maror, Chazeret, Charoset, Karpas, and Zeroa.
  • Entrée choice of:
    • Beef brisket
    • Salmon with lemon fig chutney
    • Chicken apricot tagine
    • Vegetarian stuffed peppers
    • For children – teriyaki chicken
  • Mashed potatoes with olive oil and caramelized onions
  • Salad
  • Passover chocolate cake with raspberry coulis and candied peels
  • Water, juice, coffee and tea will be available. Please feel free to bring your choice of wine or other drink in addition to the Passover wine included.

Cost for Members

  • Adults $60
  • Children (up to 12 years old) $30

Cost for Non-Members

  • Adults $90
  • Children (up to 12 years old) $60

For those attending, but not having dinner, there is no cost on a space available basis.Click here for registration form.

Kauai Passover Features Cantor Ken Cohen | Purim Party Cancelled

 Kauai PassoverKauai Jews and visitors will enjoy our traditional Pesach Seder which this year will be led by Cantor Ken Cohen. Many of you met and enjoyed Ken's January Shabbat service. He is a trained and experienced Honolulu based Cantor who has been affiliated with several Hawaii congregations including Temple Emmanuel. Ken leads an excellent service and promotes stimulating discussion. We're grateful that he is able to be with us again.

Kauai Passover 2015 - Mark your calendars!

Our Kauai Jewish Seder will be held on Sunday, April 5 in St. Michael's Parish Hall. Doors will open at 5 pm and the Seder will begin at 5:30.A traditional Pesach meal will be served after we read the Haggadah.Cost:

JCK members - $60 for adults, $30 for kidsNon-members - $90 for adults, $60 for kidsNo food, seat only - free

Watch for the reservation form, which will be posted here early in March. Remember that seating is limited, so reserve early. Tickets may not be available at the door.The $10 increase for members this year is to help defray some of our additional costs. Your Kauai Jewish Community membership continues to support this and other events. Mahalo to our members!On behalf of the Jewish Community of Kauai, we are looking forward to seeing you at our Kauai Passover 2015.

Kauai Purim Party Cancelled

The adult Purim party, previously scheduled for March 7, has unfortunately been cancelled, as the two principal planners must be off-island. We had a lot of fun ideas, but..... what did that great Jewish poet, Robert Burns, say? "The best laid plans of mice and menschen....." We apologize. We'll plan a similar event later this year or next year.

Kauai Jewish Rep For Interfaith Roundtable

Kauai orchidThe Kauai Jewish Community has been invited to join the Interfaith Roundtable of Kaua`i which is comprised of a diverse number of religious representatives. This is an excellent opportunity to share our news and events with others, and also to keep apprised of what others are discussing and planning.I feel it is crucially important for us to "show up" at the council, and I'd like someone who feels the same to please volunteer.  The meetings are on the last Friday of each month from 12 noon to 1:30 pm at Lihue Hongwanji Temple. Everyone brings either their own lunch or/and a snack to pass. Feel free to call me for more information - 821-0579.Sally.

Cantor Ken Cohen Leads Kauai Shabbat This Saturday

Kauai Shabbat with Cantor Ken CohenKauai Jews and visitors please don't miss this opportunity!Cantor Ken Cohen will join us in leading our first Kauai Shabbat service of 2015 this Saturday. We are very fortunate to have this chance to participate in a service led by him and to enjoy the wonderful experience of his very special cantorial talent.Cantor Cohen was with Temple Emanuel from 1989 to 1997. His list of experience also includes the following:

  • Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts - "Master Folk Artist"
  • Weddings and Simchas
  • Hawaii Vocal Arts Ensemble
  • Music Director, Shakespeare Santa Cruz
  • Tutor for adults and children in siddur and cantillation
  • Services and life cycle events across the Hawaiian Islands and on the Mainland

Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, January 3, 2015Time: 10:00 am.Lunch: A light Oneg will be provided. For more information, call Sally at (808)821-0579.