Mollie Goldberg Kauai Bat Mitzvah This Saturday

reminder1We look forward to your joining us to help Candle and Rob Goldberg celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Mollie Taneza Goldberg this Saturday, January 23, 2016.The celebration will conclude with an Oneg following the morning service.

  • Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.
  • When: Saturday, January 23, 2016.
  • Time: 10:00 am.

For more information please contact Candle at reminder: Rob Kvidt's conversion celebration and Shabbat will take place on February 27 at 10am.

Mollie Goldberg Kauai Bat Mitzvah

Mollie GoldbergWith pride and aloha, Candle and Rob Goldberg and the Kauai Jewish Community invite you to to join in our celebration of Bat Mitzvah. Rob and Candle's daughter Mollie Taneza Goldberg will be called to the Torah on Saturday January 23, 2016.Please join us. The celebration will conclude with an Oneg following the morning service.

  • Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.
  • When: Saturday, January 23, 2016.
  • Time: 10:00 am.

The Goldbergs wish to extend their deepest mahalo to JCK president Sally Wilson and president emeritus Marty Kahn.For more information please contact Candle at reminder: Rob Kvidt's conversion celebration and Shabbat will take place on February 27 at 10am. 

Chanukah on Kauai Party + Save These Dates


Join us for our traditional Kauai Chanukah party on Sunday December 13 from 5pm to 8pm. There will be latkes, sufganiyot (jelly donuts), menorahs, dreidels, crafts and more!Bring your menorah to participate in our annual community lighting if you wish.There is no charge for JCK members. For non-members we suggest a $5 donation for a single person and $20 donation for a family.

Chanukah on Kauai Party

JCK will provide latkes, donuts and drinks. We ask that you kindly bring a dish to share based on the following:

  • A-K main dish
  • L-P dessert
  • R-Z pupu

Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Sunday, December 13, 2015.Time: 6:00 pm.For more information please contact Lisa Splittstoesser at 634-7006.

Save These Dates in January and February

Mollie Goldberg Bat Mitzvah - January 23, 10am.

Everyone is invited! The service will be led by Marty Kahn and will be followed by a beautiful Oneg catered by Sandy Jennings of Fresh From the Garden.  More details to follow.

Rob Kvidt Conversion - February 27, 10am.

Join us for the rescheduled, first ever Jewish conversion ceremony at JCK. This special Shabbat ceremony will be led by Marty Kahn and will be followed by a most unusual unusual Oneg Shabbat you won’t want to miss. Catering by Sandy Jennings and Jeff Tucker! 

Join Us For Double Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Kauai Bar MitzvahJill Weiner and Amelia Lim proudly invite you to a double mitzvah. Twins Loren and Hershel will be in the spotlight December 18 and 19, and invite you to join them as they individually become Bar-Bat Mitzvah.Please join Loren in a celebration of her Bat Mitzvah as she ushers in the Sabbath with a candle lighting service starting promptly at 6:30pm.

  • Loren Shoue Weiner
  • Friday, December 18th 5:30pm

Please join Hershel in honor of his Bar Mitzvah as he concludes the Sabbath with a Havdalah service starting promptly at 6:30pm.

  • Hershel Fei-Xun Weiner
  • Saturday, December 19th 5:30pm

RSVP is required for attendance! Please RSVP BY NOVEMBER 15 for each event that you will be attending to

Join us Tomorrow for Shabbat on Kauai

Kauai Jewish Community reminder1. Shabbat tomorrow, November 7, 2015 including special Oneg ... Just a reminder!Tomorrow's Oneg hosted by Judy and Allan Rachap and catered by Sandy Jennings will include a serve yourself falafel bar and homemade baklava.Please bring non-perishable food items for St. Michael’s “feed the hungry” program.

Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, November 7, 2015.Time: 10:00 am.

For more information call Sally at 808-821-0579.2. December 12 Shabbat and Conversion event rescheduled.The special Shabbat and conversion to Judaism ceremony of Rob Kvidt is rescheduled to February 27, 2016 due to a conflict with our Chanukah event.3. Chanukah 2015 - Save the date: December 13.Fun, games and latkes will be featured at our annual Chanukah party.  It will take place on Sunday December 13, 2015 at 5pm at St. Michael's. 

Kauai Shabbat | Join Us on November 7 and December 12

judy and allan rachapNext Shabbat is on November 7, 2015 including special Oneg . . Don't miss it!Judy and Allan Rachap will be hosting an exceptional feast catered by Sandy Jennings of Fresh From the Garden. It will feature among other things a serve yourself falafel bar and homemade baklava.Lastly, we appreciate your bringing non-perishable food items for St. Michael’s “feed the hungry” program.

Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, November 7, 2015.Time: 10:00 am.

For more information call Sally at 808-821-0579.Save the date - December 12 10:00 am | First Jewish conversion ceremony ever at JCK.On December 12 we will join to celebrate the conversion to Judaism of JCK member Rob Kvidt. This special Shabbat ceremony will be led by Marty Kahn.  The Oneg Shabbat that follows will also be most unusual. We aren't going to spill the beans quite yet - but it is definitely something that you won't want to miss. Catering by Sandy Jennings and Jeff Tucker!

Please Join Us For Yom Kippur on Kauai | Update

simchat torahThe Jewish Community of Kauai looks forward to your attending the concluding services of our 5776 Days of Awe observance.We and the cantor are aware that Rosh Hashanah services went too long. This has been addressed. Times below for concluding services will be strictly adhered to. Please accept the apology of the board of directors.IT IS IN THE TRUE MEANING OF SYNAGOGUE, A GATHERING OF PEOPLE, THAT THE POWER OF OUR PRAYER IS LIFTED ON HIGH  AND REACHES DEEP WITHIN OUR SOUL.Please send names you'd like to be read at Yizkor to Sally at the conclusion of the holidays, as is our tradition, we will be providing a profuse array of delicious food for our break-the-fast feast. It will be catered by the incredible Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden.Schedule of Events

  • Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Service on Tuesday 9/22 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm.
  • Yom Kippur
    • Day Service on Wednesday 9/23 10:00 am to 12:15 pm.
    • Yom Kippur adult group discussion with Cantor Ken 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm.
    • Yizkor and Neilah 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm.
    • Break-the-Fast Feast at 7:00 pm.

Services are held at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.There is, according to our community’s practice, no charge to attend any of the services for our paid members. Visitors are asked to make a minimum donation of $30 per service to JCK.L'Shanah Tovah,Sally Wilson, President 

Participate in Kauai High Holidays

The Kauai High Holidays are almost here. We look forward to seeing you starting Sunday evening, September 13. See our schedule of eventsjck torahThere are two ways you can help enrich our community's High Holidays which go beyond attending and your membership/contributions:1. We need volunteers to read in English at each of the High Holiday services. Can we count you in? Visitors are welcome.2. Cantor Ken Cohen requires accommodation on Kauai for two nights, 9/22 and 9/23. Can you provide hosting for him? (Note that Ken has an allergy to cats).Thanks in advance for your joyous participation in our community.Please contact Contact Rob Goldberg at or call him at 245-4100 or 332-7848. 

Contributions for 2015-16

Kauai Jews | star of davidNote: In case you already received this in the US mail, please forgive the repetition.Shalom all:Last year your donations supported many programs and services which our community enjoyed. As the year 5776 approaches, we look forward to many community events, both tried and true and new. As we begin to plan for the New Year, your Board of Directors has considered the dues structure and recommended a change.For the last 25 years our annual donation request has remained the same. However, as all of us know, the cost of everything has risen. In order to continue our current programs, and provide some of the new ones you asked for in the survey we sent recently, we have decided to raise the requested donation amount to $360 for a family and $180 for a single person.Why a dues increase? Here are some of the programs/activities that we supported in 5775.We hired Cantor Ken Cohen for the first Shabbat service of 2015, which was such a great success that we are bringing him back for High Holiday services (please refer to the website for the schedule).We created many enjoyable celebrations during the year. We subsidized the community Seder since the amount we charge does not suffice. We provided a wonderful break-the-fast at the end of Yom Kippur. We re-instituted Oneg Shabbats after Shabbat services. We hosted Purim and Chanukah celebrations.We reached out to our members in times of simchas and tsurrus. We purchased Jewish history books, Hebrew books, and books about Israel for our Sunday school – and the students have thrived.We incurred other non-program related expenses. We give an annual donation to St. Michael and All Angels Church to thank them for their generous hospitality in allowing us the use of their chapel, meeting room and facilities. We purchase liability insurance in order to protect all of us.As always, if you would like to be a member and support the community, we will gladly accept whatever you are capable of giving. And if you can afford to give a bit more, your generosity will be greatly appreciated and wisely used.Each and every one of us matters in Klal Yisrael – the shared sense of community and destiny among all Jews.If you have questions or comments, please call Sally at 821-0579 or Marty at 652-7297.Sally Wilson, Board of Directors PresidentMarty Kahn, President Emeritus

Kauai High Holidays and August 15 Kauai Shabbat Schedules

Kauai High HolidaysKauai Shabbat August 15, 2015

First, please join in our next  service. We've had to reschedule from August 1 to August 15. St. Michael's Church needed use of their facilities, so we'll gather two weeks later. Our President Emeritus Marty Kahn will lead services, with help from Greg Meyers chanting Torah, and a parsha group discussion led by an erudite member of our congregation.Plan to stay after the service as we gather for a delicious oneg and, if we're lucky, some jokes from our Comedian Emeritus (also Marty).

Kauai High Holidays 2015

Our Kauai High Holiday services will be led by Cantor Ken Cohen. As those of you who attended the Shabbat service he led will recall, his singing and chanting are hauntingly beautiful, and his interpretation of prayers and Torah is both elucidating and inspiring.Following is the schedule for High Holiday services:

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah on Sunday 9/13 at 7 pm.
  • Rosh Hashanah on Monday 9/14 at 10 am with kiddush, apples and honey, lovely luncheon to follow.
  • Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre on Tuesday 9/22 at 7 pm.
  • Yom Kippur Day on Wednesday 9/23 at 10 am.
  • Yom Kippur adult group discussion with Cantor Ken on Wednesday 9/23 at 3:45 followed by Yizkor and Neilah, and a profuse array of delicious food for our break-the-fast.

Services are held at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.There is, according to our community's practice, no charge to attend any of the services for our paid members. Visitors are asked to make a minimum donation of $30 per service to JCK.

Kabbalat Shabbat Reminder

shabbatEveryone please join the community as we welcome the Shabbat on July 3,2015. Songs and hymns will be led by Laura Barzilai and Mindy Hibbitt.Please bring a pot-luck dish to share. We'll be in the large pavilion at Poipu Beach Park at 5:30 pm.What to Bring: A potluck dish of your choosing. Please remember to bring serving utensils.Questions: Call Laura (808-651-7041) or email 

Condolences to Elyse Litvak

memorial candleThe Jewish Community of Kauai sends our deepest condolences to Elyse Litvak and daughter Raysel, on the loss of their husband and father, Alan Geisel. Our hearts are filled with sadness, knowing what a difficult time this is for them, and we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers.For anyone wishing to contact Elyse and Raysel, the address is 6448 Kaahele St, Kapaa 96746.