Annual MLK Kauai Celebration

MLK on KauaiWe invite you to attend the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day event on Monday, January 16, 2017. Schedule below. You can come for as long as you'd like and leave whenever you need to. See you there!Annual MLK Kauai celebration details:Date: January 16, 2017.Time: 930am to 1pm.Location: Lihue Neighborhood Center. Map.In the words of Coretta Scott King, "The holiday provides a unique opportunity to teach young people to fight evil, not people, to get in the habit of asking themselves, 'What is the most loving way I can resolve this conflict?'"At 9:30 am - Gather in the Lihue Neighborhood Center parking lot for a parade around the around the Isenberg Park.10:15 am - Snack and water10:30 am - Welcome and Kapaa Middle School choir performance11:00 am - Videos  from Dr. King11:25 - Kauai High School Peer Mediators presentation11:45 am - Announcement of winners of 2017 poster contest12:00 am - Closing and lunch

Next Kauai Shabbat on 2/18 | 2017 Calendar Updates

chanukah-on-kauaiWe have updated our 2017 calendar of events through the High Holidays.Reminder – January Shabbat services are cancelled. The next Shabbat will be Saturday, February 18, 2017!Traditional services including Dvar Torah will be led by Rob Kvidt.We will have an Oneg Shabbat following the service which is being sponsored by Vicki and Bill Ellacott. JCK needs sponsors for other onegs this year. Please take part as many levels of help and cost accessible to all are availableWhere: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, February 18, 2016.Time: 10:00 am.For more information please contact us.Photo above from our 2016 Chanukah party at JCK. Thank to Elyse, Sandy, Carol and everyone else who made it a success.

Join Us For Yom Kippur on Kauai

G'mar Hatima Tova (may you be sealed in the Book of Life). We welcome all Kauai Jews and visitors to join us as our community concludes observance of the Days of Awe with Yom Kippur.Services will again be led by fabulous Rabbi Aryeh Azriel. We're most grateful to Vicki and Bill Ellacott for their generous sponsorship of the Break-The-Fast event!The Jewish Day of Atonement (English translation for Yom Kippur) is by far the most widely observed Jewish holiday and many who do not participate in other Jewish customs will join us on this day. Yom Kippur takes place on the 10th day of Tishri. The holiday is based on Leviticus 23:27.Following the conclusion of Yom Kippur, members and guests are invited to join us for a sumptuous Break The Fast feast, catered by Sandy Jennings and Fresh from the Garden.The Jewish Community of Kauai wishes all an easy fast and a meaningful holiday!Note: Attendance and the meal are included in annual membership. Non-members are requested to make a donation of $30 or more per person, per event, either online or at the door.

Yom Kippur 5777

Tuesday October 11, 2016

  • 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Kol Nidre service.

Wednesday October 12, 2016 

  • 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Morning services.
  • 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM Adult discussion.
  • 5:00PM-7:00 PM Yiskor and conclusion services.
  • 7:00 PM Break the Fast.

Location: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.

Celebrate the Life of Paul Weil at Rosh Hashanah

paul-weilAs we gather for Rosh Hashanah, we'll also celebrate the life of cherished long-time JCK member Paul Weil, who passed away recently.Paul's family will host the Oneg on Monday afternoon, following Rosh Hashanah day services. According to his wife, Roberta, "the Oneg will in celebration of our beloved father, grandfather and husband Paul Weil by the Weil 'Ohana."Paul WeilPaul was born in Pittsburgh in 1927 and died September 14, 2016 here on Kauai. He is survived by Roberta, to whom he'd been married for over 57 years, as well as a large and loving family of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.Paul was naval veteran of  World War II. He attended Stanford University and UCLA, and had a JD from Southwestern University Law School. Paul was a practicing attorney for over 50 years and provided pro bono services to community service organizations.This special Oneg will be catered by our wonderful caterer, Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden.A widely varied array of traditional and contemporary delights will be served, so plan to come hungry!Details of JCK High Holiday Service for members and guests.Obituary of Paul Weil

Kauai Jews Host Shabbat at Poipu This Friday

Poipu Beach Hawaii1The Jewish Community of Kauai is excited to once again hold a Friday night Kauai Shabbat potluck at Poipu Beach Park. Please join us! We'll meet under the large covered pavilion so there are no worries in case of rain.Date: Friday, September 23, 2016.Time: 6:00 pm. Schmooze with fellow Jewish community members and guests, or enjoy the park with your family. Followed by a brief Shabbat service then a potluck dinner.Location: Poipu Beach Park  – Large Pavilion.What to Bring: A potluck dish of your choosing. Please remember to bring serving utensils.Questions: Please contact us.

Lea Sierra Hibbitt Bat Mitzvah

Lea Sierra HibbittJoin us for a day of ceremony and celebration! The Jewish Community of Kauai is invited to Lea's special day as she leads us in prayer and reads from the Torah.Lea’s training was done by JCK's own Sally Wilson. Her Torah portion is Devarim.Mindy and Dave Hibbitt ask you to join us for the service, which will be followed by a unique and delicious Oneg Shabbat.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, August 13, 2016.Time: 10:00 am.For more information please contact Mindy at Hibbitt 652-5956.

Jewish Community of Kauai Board of Director Nominations

Kauai Jewish Community BoardNominations for both officers and members to sit on the Jewish Community of Kauai Board of Directors are now open!! Please respond by August 10.If you have ideas about events or activities for the Jewish community, please join us on the Board as we plan next year, 2016-17.Feel free to nominate yourself or others who may be interested in serving - the more the better.The offices are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Pursuant to our by-laws, the current board members will vote on the nominations.Please provide your nominations to

Join us for Shabbat Saturday May 21, 2016

Sally WilsonReminder – Shabbat services are this Saturday, May 21, 2016!Please join us this week. Marty Kahn will lead the service. Sally Wilson (pictured here celebrating her birthday at a recent JCK board meeting) will haltingly read from the Torah portion. We expect a lively discussion on the parsha, which is Emor. Emor is Herbrew for "speak" and is the 31st weekly Torah portion. This section has the most versus of any poriton in Leviticus. It is read in May and provides purity rules for Kohanim, recounts the holy days, and tells the story of punishment for a blasphemer.Please come prepared to share your interested thoughts.We will have a lovely Oneg Shabbat following the service, prepared by Ku`ulei (Penny) Johnson, who makes wonderful challahs. You won’t want to miss those challahs!!

  • Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.
  • When: Saturday, May 21, 2016.
  • Time: 10:00 am.

For more information please contact Sally at

Reminder | Purim on Kauai This Sunday

Purim on KauaiPlease join us for a celebration of Purim on Sunday, March 20, 2016, at St. Michael's Parish Hall.  Soft drinks and hamantaschen provided by JCK.4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Carnival for kids. There will be games for prizes, crafts, jokes and fun to be had by all - adults and keiki encouraged to come in costume, and please bring your own Purim activity or craft to share if you like.6 p.m. Potluck dinner. Please bring a simple potluck dish to share.6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Adults, please join us for the potluck dinner, followed by game night from 7 - 8  p.m.  Bring your favorite card game or board game from home to share with the group, and even a Purim spirit to drink; costumes encouraged!

  • Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.
  • When: Sunday, March 20, 2016.
  • Time: 4-8pm.


Shabbat on February 27 Features Live Music

Rob and Flute1Last call for Shabbat this Saturday at St. Michael's beginning at 10:00am, in Lihue.We'll celebrate Rob Kvidt's conversion to Judaism and hear him play a selection of Jewish liturgical music with his flute teacher Susan Hironaka.In addition to Rob chanting from the Torah and delivering a short sermon, there will be a scrumptious Kiddish luncheon following services hosted by Jeff Tucker.Our thanks to Marty Kahn who will officiate.Kiddish luncheon by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden.Photo of Rob Kvidt and Susan Hironaka performing with the Kauai Wind Symphony.

Conversion Celebration Shabbat February 27 for Rob Kvidt

Rob and Rabbis for JCK KauaiAll are invited to Shabbat at St. Michael’s to celebrate Rob Kvidt’s conversion to Judaism. The Shabbat will be officiated by Marty Kahn and begins at 10am, on Saturday, February 27, with lunch following.Rob will be chanting the weekly portion in Hebrew from the Torah, delivering the D`var Torah and playing a flute duet of Jewish liturgical music with Susan Hironaka.All of last year, Rob studied with New York area Rabbi Bill Kurry. The two met weekly on Skype. During that time Rob learned to read Hebrew, studied Torah and also literature covering many aspects of Judaism.Rob completed his conversion this past November in New York City at the West Side Mikvah. There he was questioned by the Beit Din of three rabbis (pictured here) and completed the ritual immersions.“Working with Rabbi Bill has been one of the best experiences of my life. He has been more than generous to pass his knowledge and love of Judaism to me. During this process Bill became not only my mentor but also a true friend.”Kiddish Follows Hosted by Jeff TuckerA scrumptious luncheon Kiddish will feature smoked white fish among other delicacies. It is being catered by Rob and Jeff's friend Sandy Jennings, JCK's fabulous caterer who owns Fresh from the Garden.Pictured here in New York City: Beit Din with Rob (from left to right), Rabbi Ken Shuster, Rob Kvidt, Rabbi Bill Kurry and Rabbi Dennis Tobin. 

February Events Include Shabbat in the Park

Lydgate Beach ParkPlease join the Jewish Community of Kauai, visitors and guests as we celebrate Shabbat at Lydgate Park of February 12th! We are excited to once again hold a Friday night Potluck to kick off the New Year. See you there.Our services will be lead by Jim Orens, a returning visitor.  (Those of you who attended the February potluck last year will remember that he helped with services then).When:  Friday, February 12, 20165:30 – 6:15 Schmooze with fellow JCK members and guests, or enjoy the park with your family.6:15—Short Shabbat service followed by potluckWhere: Lydgate Park –Large PavilionDon’t worry about the weather as it is covered.What to Bring: A potluck dish of your choosingPlease remember to bring serving utensils.Questions:  Call Laura (808) 651-7041 ( Elyse at (808) 639-4675._______________________________________________________More February Events to Remember

  • Speaker Event on Sunday, February 7 at 9:30am: Jeannie Opdyke Smith will talk about her mother's life as a Holocaust Rescuer at the North Campus of Kauai Christian Fellowship, located at 4000 Kilauea Road in Kilauea. She's also speaking this Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the Breath of Life Church on Rice Street. See the Garden Island newspaper for more details.
  • Shabbat on Saturday, February 27: Join us as we celebrate Rob Kvidt's conversion to Judaism at 10am at St. Michael's. Kiddush follows catered by Sandra Jennings and Jeff Tucker. Look for more details soon.