Last Call! April 20 Friday Evening Shabbat and Dinner

Rob in Jerusalem

Please Join Us at 6pm this Friday

A festive Friday night Shabbat including Torah service will be conducted by our own student rabbi, Rob Kvidt. We rarely do an evening service, so you won't want to miss this one at which we will be using our brand new Siddur, Mishkan T’filah.We will have a catered Oneg and gourmet vegetarian Shabbat dinner following the service which is being created and served by our fabulous caterer Sandy Jennings.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Friday, April 20, 2018.Time: 6:00 pm.Cost for dinner: No charge for paid JCK members. Non-members donation of $35 per person requested. Credit cards accepted.Reminder: JCK needs sponsors for other Shabbat Onegs this year. Please take part, as many levels of participation are available.For more information: Please use our contact form.

Name Plates For Our New Prayer Books

We are now gratefully accepting donations towards our three new sets of prayer books. These beautiful books will be enjoyed by our community for many years to come.Have an inscribed bookplate placed in the book(s) of your choice. Use this to celebrate or acknowledge any significant event, or just to feel more a part of our island community.We welcome donations in multiples of Chai – $18, $36, $54, $72, etc.  Payments can be made online with credit/debit cards.Click link above to take part today.Photo: Rob in Jerusalem 2017.

Name Plates For New Kauai Jewish Community Prayer Books

Donate Kauai Jewish prayer booksCongratulations to the Jewish Community of Kauai!  We now have three wonderful new sets of prayer books:

  • Mishkan Hanefesh, a double volume for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
  • Mishkan T’filah, a Shabbat Siddur.
  • The Open Door, a modern Haggadah for Pesach.

These are all richly informative and very beautiful books which we are sure you will enjoy throughout the years.Now is the perfect opportunity for you to participate directly: Payment may be made online via credit card.

Name Plates For New Kauai Jewish Community Prayer Books

1. Make a donation to have an inscribed bookplate placed in the book(s) of your choice.You might celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a marriage, a birth, an anniversary, a friendship, virtually  any milestone that moves you.  You may also acknowledge a death or yartzeit, or commemorate another occasion in your life. Perhaps there are community events or world movements that inspire you; these, too, could be honored.Please make a donation in multiples of Chai - $18, $36, $54, $72, etc. Also, indicate in which of the books you would like your bookplate: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, or Shabbat.2. Please contact Elyse at with the bookplate information, and we will gladly and gratefully help you to fulfill your request. Payment may be made online via credit card.Thank you.

Monroe Richman z”l Memorial Service

 kauai-jewish-communityMonroe Richman z”l Memorial ServiceWith great sadness we recently shared the news that long time and very active JCK member Monroe Richman passed away, on the mainland on December 12, 2017.Monroe and his beloved wife Esther have been an integral part of our community for decades, both having a great love for JCK.This marks the passing of a legend. We will all miss Monroe very much.Memorial on January 13, 2018There will be a memorial service and a paddle-out/scattering of ashes for Monroe on Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. It will take place at Waiohai Beach. Please spread the word – all are invited to attend.

Don Schoenfeld z”l

Don SchoenfeldDon Schoenfeld z”lIt is with great sadness that we share the news that long time JCK member Don Schoenfeld passed away last night.Don and his beloved wife of 74 years, Trudy, supported and cherished each other and have been an inspiration to the Jewish Community of Kauai for decades.We will all miss Don dearly.Interment will take place in California at Mt. Sinai Hollywood Hills on Friday. The family has requested that any donations in Don's name be made to Kauai Hospice or another charity of choice.

Mike Splittstoesser z"l

mike splittstoeser

Mike Splittstoesser z"l

It is with profound sadness and deepest condolences that we share with you that Mike Splittstoesser passed away on September 6, 2017, at the age of 49.Mike is survived by his wife Lisa and daughter Malia, mother-in-law Joan, as well as many other loving relatives and friends. The Splittstoesser's are long time cherished members of the Jewish Community of Kauai.May God and our community be a source of comfort to Lisa's family in their time of grief.A Celebration of Life took place on Tuesday September 12, 2017 at Lihue Lutheran Church.Donations in Mike's HonorLisa has asked that any donations in Mike's honor be sent to the Hyperberic Treatment Center at the University of Hawaii. Account 12088204. Mailing address: UH Foundation, PO Box 11270, Honolulu, HI 96828. Checks should be made out to UH Foundation.Donations can also be made online at feel free to pass on this email to others. Thank you.

Please Volunteer | “Unlikely Liberators” at Kauai Veterans' Center


Please Volunteer | “Unlikely Liberators”

As you now know, Lisa Splitstoesser’s husband, Mike, died unexpectedly Tuesday night. It has been a great shock and sadness to all of us who know and love this family.Lisa was in charge of finding volunteers for the “Unlikely Liberators” exhibit at the Kauai Veterans Center. Mike and Lisa both played an integral part in getting this exhibit set up and running. To honor them, we are asking that as many of you as possible sign up for one or more shifts at the exhibit. It runs until 9/27 —- every day but Sundays. There are many slots yet to be filled. Sign up here or read below: volunteering, we Jews also honor those brave, righteous Japanese soldiers (mostly from Hawaii) who freed the 5000 Jews on a death march and who also liberated Dachau and many of it’s sub camps.  Visiting the exhibit is a very emotional experience. You will feel a deep bond with Kauai’s Japanese community.There are three types of volunteers: registrars, docents and security. And there are two shifts per day:  10 - 1 and 1 - 4. Each job is quite easy. Below is a description of each:Registrar: Sits at the front desk and asks people to sign in. That’s it!Docent: Familiarizes themselves with the history of the Japanese liberators and gives visitors to the exhibit a short overview of what they are going to see in the four “bays”. (We’ll send you a “cheat sheet”.)Security: Just walks around the bays making sure nobody defaces anything. Pretty unlikely that anyone would.

About "Unlikely Liberators"

“Unlikely Liberators” is the remarkable story of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion and the liberation of the Dachau death march.The Kauai Veterans' Center is sponsoring an exhibit by the Nisei Veteran’s Legacy. The exhibit will run from September 5 through 27. The exhibit was curated by military historian Eric Saul and documents the encounters between Dachau prisoners and Nisei soldiers of the 522nd Field Artillery Batallion. The 522nd was part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a segregated unit made up primarily of Americans of Japanese descent. The 442nd was the most decorated unit in World War II.How to participate:We’re using to organize our upcoming activity.Please sign up for Unlikely Liberators!Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:1. Please use this link to go to our invitation page on Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on 3. Sign up! Choose your spots – will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.If you have any questions or know of others who would be interested in volunteering, please contact me, Micki Evslin, at thanks for your time!Watch Eric Saul talking about the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion in the YouTube videos below:

Reminder | Please Join Us For Shabbat Saturday August 26

JCK shabbatServices and Torah reading will be led by our own Rabbinical student Rob Kvidt who will be joined by JCK's recent Bar Mitzvah Isaac Dubey.The Jewish Community of Kauai will be sponsoring a sumptuous Mediterranean Oneg Shabbat following the service.  It is being catered by Sandy Jennings of Fresh from the Garden. A contribution of $25 per person for non dues-paying attendees is requested to help defray costs, and is sincerely appreciated.Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.When: Saturday, August 26, 2017.Time: 10:00 am.For more information please contact us.As a reminder, JCK needs sponsors for other Shabbat Onegs throughout the year. Please take part, as many levels of help and cost are available.

Reminder | Celebrate Abby Polzin's Bat Mitzvah Saturday

Abby Polzin Bat MitzvahAbby Polzin will be called to the Torah as Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, July 29, 2017. Abby's family, including Kylie, Sally and Don Wilson and the Board of the Jewish Community of Kauai look forward to your attending.A Kiddush luncheon prepared by Sandy Jennings, Fresh from the Garden will follow the services.Please RSVP to Sally as soon as possible at (808) 821-0579.

  • Date: Saturday, July 29, 2017.
  • Time: 10:00 a.m.
  • Location:  St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.

We hope to see you! 

Reminder: Sophia Rose Riley Bat Mitzvah

Riley Bat MitzvahWe are happy to invite JCK congregants to the Bat Mitzvah of Sophia Riley on Thursday June 8, 2017 at St. Michael’s in Lihue. All are welcome at the service. Following the service will be a catered luncheon to which you are also invited. Please RSVP for the luncheon to 808-346-5388. Questions? You may also contact Dale Rosenfeld 808-639-0283.Ceremony will be from 10AM-12PM at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.

Catered luncheon to follow in Parish Hall from 12PM-2PM. Reservations needed.

Kauai Jewish Community Updated Calendar of Events

Kauai Jewish Community Purim PartyWe've updated our calendar to include additional events. Please review the calendar so you can join us at all of the upcoming upcoming celebrations. Photo above from our Purim party at Laura's house.All our events services and events are held at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue, (map), unless otherwise noted. Please check back close to the date of the event in the event of any time or date changes. If you need more information, please feel free to contact us.APRIL11 – Passover Community Shabbat (make your reservations today)MAY20 – Shabbat Service at 10 am led by Marty KahnJUNE8 – Sophia Riley Bat Mitzvah at 10 am12 – Lindsay Pines Bat Mitzvah at 10 am17 – Shabbat Service at 10 amJULY1 – Isaac Dubey Bar Mitzvah at 10 am29 – Abby Wilson Bat Mitzvah at 10 amAUGUST19 – Shabbat Service at 10 am led by Rob KvidtSEPTEMBERHigh Holiday services will again be led by the fabulous Rabbi Aryeh Azriel.20 – Erev Rosh Hashanah Service at 6 pm21 – Rosh Hashanah Service at 10 am23 – Shabbat Shuvah Service at 10am29 – Kol Nidre Service at 6 pm30 – Yom Kippur Servicer at 10 am