Adult Formation - The Challenge of Faith in a Changing World

Presented by the Jewish Community of Kauai in partnership with St. Michael's and All Angels Episcopal Church 

Dates: Sundays on March 19, 26, and April 2 at 9:00 am, in the sanctuary of St. Michael's.

Led by Rabbi Rob Kvidt and Fr. Andrew McMullan.

Our world is always changing, and the truth is that communities of faith have been challenged for the past few decades in finding their way forward to be a relevant and meaningful voice in an increasingly secular world. The pandemic and its consequences have accelerated this dynamic. How do communities of faith navigate these realities and find their way?  

We will begin our three-week program this week with a look to the Old Testament, specifically the story of Abraham and Isaac, to explore the challenges presented by this call to sacrifice and what it might be saying to us today. 

While Rabbi Rob and Father Andrew will provide some background and context, it is also the intention of our time together to make room for reflection and discussion in small groups with Jews and Christians in each one.  

We hope you will join us - and this is a great opportunity to invite neighbors and friends of any faith.