Please join the Jewish Community of Kauai when we celebrate Purim on March 11, 10 AM at St. Michael’s in Lihue. Sara Silverman will lead the Shabbat/Purim service, which will include a (short) reading of the Megillah.
YAY for Esther and Mordechai! 🎉👸🤴🎉
We’ll commemorate the Jews’ survival and feel grateful for our heroes!
And BOO Haman with our groggers and voices!
Please bring your noisemakers/groggers and come dressed as Esther or Mordechai or any other festive character - it’s a celebration! ✨🎭
Sandy Jennings of Fresh From the Garden will cater a delicious Oneg luncheon.
As always, contributions to Loaves and Fishes, St. Michael’s foodbank, are greatly needed and appreciated.
Where: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Hardy Street, Lihue. Map.
When: Saturday, March 11, 2023.
Time: 10:00 am.