Kauai High Holy Days 5783

Rosh Hashanah starts this Sunday! Join the Jewish Community of Kauai for 5783 High Holy Day observances. These will take place as follows:


  • Erev Rosh Hashanah Sunday, September 25, at 7 pm at St. Michael's. Honey and apples following the service.

  • Rosh Hashanah Monday, September 26, at 10 am at St. Michael’s. Catered luncheon and Tashlich at Nawiliwili Harbor following lunch. 

  • Shabbat Shuvah is Saturday, October 1 at 10 am at St. Michael’s. Catered luncheon. 

  • Erev Yom Kippur Tuesday, October 4, at 7 pm at St. Michael’s. 

  • Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 5, from 10 am to 12 noon at St. Michael’s. St. Michael’s will remain open for quiet time and contemplation. Discussion with Rabbis at 3:30, followed by Yizkor and Neilah, and concluding with a catered break-the-fast dinner at about 7 pm.  

We are grateful to Rabbi Aryeh Azriel and our own Kauai Rabbi Rob Kvidt, who are on the Bimah this year.

Be sure to email your Yizkor name requests. These should be sent to jewishcommunityofkauai18@gmail.com or complete the list in person.

Let’s Eat:

Reouven Barzilai of MiVaMi Kauai will cater Monday, September 26, and Saturday, October 1. The menu for September 26 will be vegetarian. The menu for October 1 is also vegetarian.

Sandy Jennings of Fresh From The Garden will cater Wednesday, October 5 Break-The-Fast. The menu will include bagels, lox and fixings, salads, fruit, and dessert.

Please RSVP to assist with catering requirements. Contact us at jewishcommunityofkauai18@gmail.com no later than September 30 for Break-The-Fast.

We are using our Reform Machzor, Mishkan Hanafesh. It is fully transliterated, has many options for Torah readings, provides background and contextual information, poetry and alternative readings, commentary, multiple theological possibilities, a beautiful interpretation of Hebrew, and engaging artwork and essays.


Visitors and non-members are asked to make a donation - per service attended for all High Holiday services. The suggested donation is $50 per service or $180 for all services. Please be generous. Click here to donate. 

Donation envelopes will also be available at services. Many thanks.

Being fit spiritually for the High Holy Days. Rabbi Rob has written an article on Elul: Preparing for the High Holy Days.

In our tradition of tzedakah (charity), and in the spirit of aloha, please bring donations of non-perishable food and/or money for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. This Kauai Food Pantry distributes to about one hundred people each week, is staffed by volunteers, and is supported by donations, including ours.