L’Shana Tova 5783 From Kauai

L’Shana Tova 5783! (A little early).

The High Holidays will be here soon - Rosh Hashanah begins Sunday night, September 25; Yom Kippur begins Tuesday night, October 4. See our complete schedule of services and events.

As President of JCK, I’d like to thank the Board members for their dedication, time, and energy to keep our small and vibrant community thriving: Officers Laura Barzilai - Vice President, Elyse Litvack - Secretary, Judy Rachap - Treasurer; Members Marty Kahn (President Emeritus), Sara Silverman, Nate Morrow, Rob Goldberg (retired) and Larry Raithaus (retired). I’d also like to acknowledge Jeff Tucker who works on our website and is the juice behind our posts.

After two years of COVID isolation, we were able to hold in-person gatherings almost every month, which was a welcome and joyous change. Among the highlights: 

  • Services led by Sara Silverman, Marty Kahn, and Rabbi Rob Kvidt. 

  • Also, Rabbi Rob participated with Father Andrew of St. Michael’s Church in a joint Easter/Passover collaboration and celebration. 

  • JCK had a lovely Friday night Shabbat service at Lydgate Park in July, including a wonderful potluck afterward.

  • Reouven Barzilai and Sandy Jennings provided delicious lunches after services so we were all able to enjoy the food and fellowship each month.

Rabbi Aryeh Azriel and Rabbi Rob Kvidt will lead High Holiday services, including a Shabbat Shuvah service on October 1. We hope you’ll be able to join us and all of JCK in celebrating our most Holy Days. Please watch for information and updates on our website as the holidays approach.

Aloha and Shalom,

Carol Pescaia
