Hawaii Jewish Needs Assessment

If you have completed the Hawaii Jewish Needs survey, we thank you so much. If you have not, please do so now. Also, if you have any questions about the survey you can contact Sara Silverman at (808) 639-4423 or email her at slslaw@hawaii.rr.com. Also, if you have a problem completing the survey online, Sara can arrange for a hard copy to be provided.

The Jewish Community of Kauai is participating with the Weinberg Foundation and Jewish Community Services (JCS), a nonprofit agency that serves the health and human service needs of the Jewish community in Hawaii. They are conducting a study of the needs of Jewish individuals and families in Hawaii, which is being funded by the Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation and carried out by Ward Research and Carolann Biederman Consulting, both in Hawaii. Sara Silverman is representing JCK with Weinberg on this exciting project.

They have asked the many Jewish congregations and organizations in Hawaii to distribute this link to their online survey as widely as possible. Participation is voluntary, of course, and is fully anonymous. But participation from the community is also crucial to determining the needs of the community and planning accordingly.


It should take about 15-20 minutes to complete the survey, and they are asking for only one survey per household. If you are on the email lists for multiple organizations, you may receive the request to participate multiple times. But you need only participate once.

Note: be sure you have the time to complete the survey once you’ve begun, as you will not be able to return to it subsequently.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate. It is important that we all have an opportunity to identify our health and human service needs, in order ultimately to improve the quality of life for our Jewish community.