Join Temple Emanu-El: Jews and Civil Rights

Join with sister community Temple Emanu-El for their Special Tuesday Wisdom Group tomorrow, Tuesday, February 23 at 10:30 AM. As Black History Month comes to a close, Temple Emanu-El’s weekly wisdom class is pleased to present Joshua Burg of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.

Mr. Burg will share the history of the RAC focusing on:

• The historic connection between Jews and the Civil Rights Movement

• How Jews today, including both the RAC and URJ are standing up for racial justice

• The launching of a movement-wide racial justice campaign

• Internal work being done by the Audacious Hospitality Department for racial equity, diversity, and inclusion opportunities

To join the class, send an e-mail to by 9:00 AM Tuesday in order to receive a Zoom invite. Please include "Wisdom Class" in the subject line.